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Monday, June 14, 2021



whkattk said...

They're a just a bunch of whiny snowflakes.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - Agreed.

BatRedneck said...

All so very true.
And I am getting SO tired at hearing and reading about the Police workers being - allegedly - more and more at risk doing their job because they would be more and more assaulted and hurt whatever the ways.
Truth be told: the maths do not add up.
Best case scenario: in some countries (such as mine, France): records show that assaults again and injuries done to Police workers remained at the same level for at least the past 15 years. Still they are yearning at getting 'more' (more workforce, more repressive means, la di dah).
Worst case scenario in other countries shows little raise in damages done to Police workers over a huge increase of casualties and deaths on the civil side. Which would be the case in the U.S..
As much as I do respect all Police workforces for their undeniable usefulness, still it would be about time they actually start cleaning their own houses.
We have a saying here that goes by "Un poisson ne pue que par la tĂȘte" (a fish stinks only through its head). Meaning that addressing this long time issue should start by firing all the stincky heads of Departments stuck to their positions, incapable from instilling what true justice means to their troops.
And who is supposedly in charge of this pyramid of responsibilities?

JiEL said...

Police is a real issue in USA as they seem to be acting like in the farwest and also are, for some, very racists ones.

What surprises me many times is to see how politicized those police officers are. As many step of your governments as even judges, mayors of cities and even police sherrifs they are elected as being Dems of Reps.

Something we don't see here in Canada.
Also, to be a police man or woman here in Province of Quebec, after your high school (after 12 years of schooling) you enter a CEGEP, college, for 3 years in a police specialised courses. After 3 years the candidates who are the best ones are directed toward the Police Academy in Nicolet city for 2 years and they are learning very specialised lessons and going on the field for real practical actions.

Many of their learnings are about conflictual situations, weapon manipulations, psychological and mental situation etc..
Racism is not acceptable there and they learn also to cope with race and religious differences.

Those fresh men getting out of the Academy are seeking jobs in different police corps as municipal ones and provincial police also (SQ).

They will get higher responsabilities as they get more experienced and some are also getting special skills to be in the SWAT or any other fields like Drug enquires or others.

I know it because my youngest son did this path and he is now a police offiecer here in Montreal. He specialised in a social working officer to help people with mental health issues and drug addictions or agressive husbands like.
Three years ago he saved the life of a drug addict who was in crisis and was going to commite suicide and at the last time he jump to catch the man by his legs before he falls from a 5th floor appartment.

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - I like your stinky fish saying. We really DO need to get rid of the ones at the top.

JiEL - Wow! Going through five years of training before getting a police job is a very good idea. Congratulations to your son for saving a man's life.