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Tuesday, May 18, 2021



whkattk said...

We can only hope the Repuglicans are very, very successful in taking themselves to the trash heap.

Rad said...

I am not feeling really good about American democracy at the moment, but I still hold out a glimmer of hope that the Biden agenda; the policies and actions, will make 2022 a referendum to clean the house of the obstructionist GOP who are up for reelection.

It will all come down to just how awake our general population is and remains. We tend to suffer from collective amnesia and forget just how bad things were.

JiEL said...

OMG! So much «shit» coming out of this 2020 election that USA is facing a real bad time over those loosers and their looser in chief doing and saying so much lies and actions to comromise the Constitutional Rights of the voting system and the voters rights.

Their «logic» is so «illogical» that even a preschooler would see it.

Are rapists as Trump and Matt Gaetz and childish-gunfan-ridiculous-violent Marjory Taylor Greene are now the core of their ideology. Well if it is so, that party is no more a party with family Evangelical values.

This put outfront this danger of a double party political system when one of the two party is going balistic on the far right anti democratic and pro radical sect guru type.

This cult of Trump is going to end up bad for the USA's democratic system and world leadership for it too.

I'm sure that the Putin, Kim Hun and Xi Ping of this world are laughing to see the USA getting deeper in this swamp.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - I hope they collapse into the pile of shit that they are.

Rad - I'm very concerned about 2022. As disgusting as the repugliCONs are, they could gain power.

JiEL - Yes, we have lost credibility for sure.

uptonking said...

All amazing factoids. Thanks for sharing. I do hope the collapse in on themselves and eat each other. Their denial, their lies, their bs, their corruption, their greed... it's all coming back to them now... Destroy the Republican Party!

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - The sooner, the better.