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Saturday, May 01, 2021


I really, really wish this could happen.
But I'm not holding my breath.
That ship has sailed.


uptonking said...

I forgot that International Worker's Day was tied to May 1st. I just remember making dixie cup baskets with pipe cleaner handles, putting a few pieces of candy in them and leaving them for the neighbors. :) We used to have a huge parade in Minneapolis, on Lake Street courtesy of The Heart of The Beast - a puppet theatre... but no more. Enjoy the day.

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - You too.

BatRedneck said...

Thank you Rick for that first one, for I did not know that 'Labor Day' - which is bank holiday too here - originated in the Haymarket Affair.
Once again, knowledge remains a matter of sharing.

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - I posted this only because I have a friend who considers himself a pure socialist.

BatRedneck said...

Hmmm, I say purity is like virginity: the only way to appreciate it is to loose it, over and again.

JiEL said...

We here in Canada we celebrate May 1st the Worker's Day.
Many of our workers are in unions and even if it isn't always easy, they gain lot by negociating with their bosses....

Now, as I saw in some more «Soviet» signs, those are not «socialist ones» but more communist adds. Again, you Americans are mixing up those concepts.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - That's why we're so easily bamboozled.

Xersex said...

Are you a Communist, Rick?

SickoRicko said...

Xersex - No. More like a democratic socialist.