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Wednesday, April 07, 2021


It was brought to my attention that the above meme is a very good photoshop of an anti-Japanese banner. There are a couple of links in the comments below from BatRedneck that explain the original.


  1. Oh, my... I love that rogues gallery. And that sign... is that for real? And where exactly IS that neighborhood? I could see myself moving...

  2. uptonking - I'm guessing the sign is real. As to its whereabouts, I cannot say. Sorry.

  3. As much as I like it, the third one appears to be a meme.
    The actual message on the sign read " Japs keep moving - This is a white man's neighborhood".

    See here: https://bit.ly/2Q6igvv (scroll down to the middle of the article)
    Or there: https://bit.ly/2OsVoFR

    Using this picture for a meme is a bit disturbing, although I see the irony of throwing it back to the face of Christians.

  4. BatRedneck - Wow! However did you find that? Terrible history in those two links. Thanks.

  5. I can recognize Daniel Radcliffe near Brad Pitt (??) in the second row.

  6. Xersex - You saw right. There are many famous people there.

  7. BatRedneck - I put an addendum blow that meme. Thanks again for the links.

  8. Incredible, no?
    There are many, many celebs who have shed the "christian" bullshit.

  9. You are very welcome, Rick.

    Short version: I may be lazy, but it does not keep me from being a skeptic :-)

    Longer one [apnea Mode : On]: This picture has a strange pixelation, along with the inconsistency of fonts. Enough to launch a reverse search of it. No rocket science. Just a chap used not to judge a book by its cover (in French: 'The clothes don't make the monk', the atheist in me concurs). Plus: as you mentioned, sometimes terrible and/or instructive facts and stories can come up from a simple detail for the ones curious enough.

    I hope Portland's weather is as clement as ours here in the 'Pays de La Loire'.

  10. BatRedneck - I wish I had been as curious as you regarding that meme. And, BTW, it is nicely clement here. Yesterday, not so much.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.