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Tuesday, March 02, 2021



JiEL said...

Last one could also be in Canada.

I've been in surgery (2016) to take of 6 inches of my colon with a cancer tumor.

Been in hospital for 4 days didn't pay a dime.

That is what we call our country a «social democracy».

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - "Social" instead of "Socialist". Either one is fine with me. The only reason I have to pay practically zero out of pocket is because I have HIV.

JiEL said...

In some way you're lucky but I know how in USA is may cost gazillions of dollars to pay insurance health care and medicare too...

Just seeing all the commercials on USA's TV and having some American friends, I know that if you're not working or being able to pay those insurances, you may have to put on bankruptcy if you have some health issues.

BatRedneck said...

Back in 2001 I had to spend more than two months in intensive care under full respiratory assistance because of a Guillain-Barré from toes to neck (worst experience ever, BTW). Haven't paid a dime either, thanks to healthcare in France.
I know we all agree on that here, but still the question remains: how come an evolved country with such potential as the U.S. still does not provide its whole people with universal care access?
My heart cries out for those who have to choose between getting a cure or their meal.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - I've often told people that they shouldn't have to have a life-threatening illness to get the coverage that I have.

BatRedneck - The answer to the question is: Because it's F*cked up here.

uptonking said...

That last one's a little mean... but true... oh, so true.

whkattk said...

With TX and Mississippi goin full-monty on the mask issue and opening everything without restrictions, we're going to see spikes, if not a full-on new wave. All in the name of politics.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - It will be interesting to see what happens. Unfortunately, sensible people will be at the mercy of idiots.