WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021



  1. Hawley's new book "deal" is with an "independent" publisher - which most likely means he's actually self-publishing. No great monetary deal, no advance - he's paying out of his own pocket for everything. Hope he loses his shirt!

  2. I wasn't aware of Ella Fitzgerald being arrested for sharing her voice. Tragic. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And that picture sure says a lot.

  3. Why can't people be nice?! There is too much Greed,Hate and Fear!!!🙄🙄🙄

  4. whkattk - Let's hope he loses a bundle.

    Anon @9:37am - Indeed it does.

    Luv chocolate - Unfortunate, but too true.

  5. Re: The Ella picture. I've always thought the 50s was a regrettable decade. Even as a pre- teen you sensed that everything was conservative, clamped down, no room for self expression. we all did pretty much the same thing, wore the same clothes, looked like everyone else. We had no Black Americans in my town, did not know about racial injustice and things like Ella experienced. To the point, it was boring as shit! Had to get to the 60s to begin to feel the change in attitude, and once people felt comfortable and not afraid to express themselves, there was no stopping the new liberalism. Still much inequality in the ensuing decades, but at least it was a start. It makes me sad to know Ella and many like her were part of that "White Drinking Fountains Only" discrimination mindset of that time.

  6. Milleson - I was born in 1951 so have very little awareness of what was going on. It wasn't until after high school and getting into drugs that I became aware of things around me. Sad, huh?

  7. I wouldn't say sad, Rick. Just different. We are all here now at this time and place from many different points of origin. Different stories, different circumstances, most over which we have no control. I'm 4 years older then you, so I recall the 50s and your awareness started in the 60s, lucky you. For whatever reason, you did your drug thing to gain awareness, I chose to stay clean (and am still), not for any superior attitude above others, I just didn't want external influences clouding my real awareness of every wonderful thing happening in my world. There have been highs and lows and the damage has been done from my 70 year "gay secret." But here we are, all of us pushing ourselves through this chaotic life and trying our damnedest to enjoy the time left. You're so fortunate to have found Jerry, and he, you. You have a real feel for people and your comments are articulate and incisive. Nothing to be sad about, Sir.

  8. I like all of your post and so true about racial differences.

    Here in Canada we have some racial issues but never as badly inbeded in our lives as in USA.

    Looking how all is going on in USA for many years seems like HATE is powering your leaders in Washington.

    I like specially the Jane Elliott words.

    For a country that has the «In God We Trust» motto, seems that God's words aren't strong enough to put LOVE, HOPE and KINDNESS is ALL american hearts.

  9. Milleson - Thank you. I really like the way you write.

    JiEL - I think those would be much better words on our money.

  10. AMEN to all. Thank you Brother Rick for that stirring sermon. And now... let's have lovely Ella sing us out... Oh, my. I stumbled on that photo of Ella when I did a Sunday Diva about her. Cried.

  11. uptonking - So much injustice.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.