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I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Friday, October 16, 2020



  1. And we only hope it will be a huge wet drenching wave too.

  2. let's hope all of you vote!
    your current POTUS has already announced that he will not accept the election result

  3. Mistress Maddie - I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Xersex - Even if it's a landslide in favor of decency, that ass-wipe will probably contest the results.

  4. He can contest all he wants, it won't make it to the Supreme Court. The individual states' Attorneys General certify the election results for each state. He has no control over that. He can whine and pout and cry foul all he wants, he will be leaving this disaster of his own creation in January. Everyone, send your good thoughts to the undecided voters, although I don't think there are that many left undecided. Have faith!

  5. Anon - Thanks for pointing all that out! I actually feel better.

  6. We're all in this together, Rick. Will supply info when I can. Glad you feel better.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.