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Saturday, August 01, 2020



Rad said...

Oh, of course! And it will be all Biden;s fault that we have a +#3T deficit! "Look at the mess he got the country in!!!"

And Biden will fix it within 4 years and get the deficit back down.

And the the GOP will fuck around again with the elections, get into power, and do it all over again.

I hope that Joe will get a working congress in a Democratic landslide.

SickoRicko said...

Rad - That's my same hope!

uptonking said...

Love it when you get political. You find the best bits of information. Thanks. And Dan Rather is 100 percent correct... look at history. The deficit: Clinton was paying it down... under GW it skyrocketed... Obama was paying it down... and now the Orange Ogre is simply pocketing as much as he can. When the Dems seize control the Repulsivcans always blame the deficit on the current administration... No one remembers anything... everyone in Washington has the memory of a flea.

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - Not just those in Washington.