WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020



  1. Xersex said: I am sorry, but soon the United States of America will reach and overtake Italy, for COVID19 infected and dead.

    Xersex - I am sorry too.

  2. so true, but I read your POTUS wants all the pandemia finished before Easter (15 April). Not possible!

  3. Xersex - That's because he's an asshole idiot.

  4. Many colleagues for your POTUS start by minimizing the pandemic (for example, Boris), but then all indicate Italy as an example to follow.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.