Teacher corrects White House letter with 'many silly mistakes,' sends it back to Trump
Paul Hyde
GREENVILLE, S.C. — In 17 years of teaching English composition in South Carolina public schools, Yvonne Mason had seen these blunders many times before.
Redundancies. Faulty capitalization. Lack of clarity and specificity.
But Mason wasn't grading a student paper. She was reading a letter she received from President Donald Trump.
"I have never, ever, received a letter with this many silly mistakes," Mason said.
The former Mauldin High School teacher promptly did what she had done thousands of times before: She corrected the writing and returned it, this one going back to the White House.
To read entire article, go HERE.
Hahaha! There's also a dangling modifier at the very end: "As president, one of my top priorities...." A modifier is a word or a word group that enhances or extends the meaning of something else in the sentence; in this case, the modifier is "As president." Modifiers should be placed as close as possible to the thing they're modifying, usually right before or after the thing they're modifying. "As president" comes right before "one of my top priorities," so it's modifying "one of my top priorities" and, therefore, is basically saying that "one of my top priorities" is the president. Instead, the sentence should say something like, "As president, I have as one of my top priorities..." or "Because I am president, one of my top priorities...." Better yet, because the letter is already so self-centered, with all of this clauses starting with "I," the sentence should be revised to say, "The safety of America's young people should be one of our top priorities." (I said "should be" instead of "is," because, clearly, young people's safety isn't one of this administration's top priorities.) Sorry; the teacher in me is showing.