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Tuesday, April 04, 2017


Inspired by O!Daddie...

Our twitter-ass "precedent" is an asshole.

The republiCONs are assholes.


  1. How much would you bet that Imun Asshole trump's wife whatever her name is, will not move into the White House is because there is no way to tell that she would by accident sleep in the same bed that a black person occupied. I have a very sick and totally bigoted narcisistic aquaintance that would think these very thoughts. Yess, he is the very type, a firm believer in Jesus, who thinks that when he dies he will be in heaven hob-nobbing with Jesus, a Jew and Socialist according to Scripture. A. Nonymus

  2. McConnell will use the option - you watch. Then they'll bemoan it the next time the Dems have a SC nominee. The biggest Circus in the world has taken up residence in DC.

  3. A. Nonymus - I love your handle! Anyway, I figure she's using the kid as an excuse to not have that fat twitter-ass on top of her.

    whkattk - I couldn't agree with you more.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.