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Friday, July 29, 2011


Bernie Sanders tells it like it is:

"The rich are getting richer, and their effective tax rate is the lowest in modern history. Many corporations are enjoying huge profits and, because of outrageous loopholes, pay nothing in taxes. Among many other absurdities, we lose about $100 billion every year from companies and individuals who stash their wealth in tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and other locations.

"And yet, the Republicans have been fanatically determined to protect the interests of billionaires and large multi-national corporations so that they do not contribute one penny toward deficit reduction. The Republicans want the entire burden of deficit reduction sacrifice to be placed on the elderly, the sick, children, and working families. That is morally wrong and, in terms of getting us out of this recession, bad economic policy."

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!


  1. From this it appears your Republicans have less compassion than our counterparts, the Conservatives.
    My best friend Mila recently wrote a book about the effects of this globalisation mess; its an absorbing read to say the least. Anyone wanting a copy can ask me and ill pass on her e-mail so she can post you one.

  2. oh believe me, Rick, I'm fed up!!!

  3. Karl - I don't read books anymore. Too many words.

    Greg - I thought you might be!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.