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Thursday, August 29, 2024


VP Kamala Harris' father is Jamaican
and was never a slave.

Harris was born in Oakland, California.
So, No. Dred Scott does not apply.

Harris is 100% a natural born U.S. citizen
and can run for president.

Where do y'all come up with
this racist bullshit?


Infidel753 said...

Fairly sure the Dred Scott decision was abrogated by the Fourteenth Amendment and is no longer valid law. Even before that, the Republican party platform of 1860 explicitly repudiated the ruling.

Milleson said...

You already know this, we are are unfortunately not dealing with our rational and informed forefathers of the 1860s. Instead we are trying to understand the diseased mentality of a group of political troglodytes who are corrupted beyond explanation. That is the reason these issues are conjured up and it demonstrates their desperation perfectly.

Cdadbr said...

Not to be flaky, but modern Republicans have become a product of their own "don't educate" or "shield our kids from past bad things our forefathers did" orientation. Dred Scott was about slavery, which has officially been gone for well-past the complete lifetimes of many alive now, or in the 20th Century. THEN, for it to be further replaced by a Constitutional Amendment, later on, proves how little most current Republicans really know about things. SOMEBODY needs to send these aged adults back to junior high American History and Government class!

LeftField said...

To give you another idea of what we're dealing with: I asked my Minnesota sister what she thought of her governor. "I don't know that much about him, but I'm really concerned about his dealings with China."
No need to tell you she's a Trump supporter. Extra small.

whkattk said...

The crap they make up never ceases to amaze me. The thing is, though, is it's the most outrageous and easily debunked shit. On the other hand, the tRumpers don't know how to think, they only know how to follow what they're being told by their Orange Overlord and savior.

Anonymous said...

But we’re a REPUBLIC, not a democracy ! As the magat loons exclaim.
They seem to forget without democracy they will lose their freedoms as well, as they gradually turn against eachother.
Extremists turned Europe into a shitfest of political murders, nationalist revanchism, race baiting and the debut of fascism in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - Thanks for your comments!

Anonymous said...

The republicans are no longer the party of Lincoln, his ideals were gradually eroded and derided long ago by republican powerbrokers after his assassination and the following decades. It started as a trickle in the 1860’s and became a flood in the 1960’s. -Rj