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Wednesday, July 03, 2024


To all Republicans who insist on banning abortion because it "kills innocent humans."

So do chemical spills in our water. And gun rampages in our malls and at our schools. And starvation because mothers can't earn a living wage even working 60-hour weeks. And curable diseases when parents have no access to affordable healthcare.

And yet, while you sanctimoniously stick your nose in my family-planning choices, you have smugly opposed every attempt at safety regulations, gun control, raising the minimum wage, and the ACA.

You are the worst kind of hypocrites: Arrogant and ignorant. You are what's wrong with America today.


Anonymous said...

The Republican Party will go down in flames :)
Everyone is fed up with their hypocrisy.

Cdadbr said...

The problem with their hypocrisy is that THEY have normalized it and making it a "new normal" for everybody. To hear them tell it, THEY are the only ones who know how to "do anything right". Always touting "lower taxes" in the process . . . lower taxes mean a "pay cut for the nation". THAT part they do not understand, no matter what. Then they get into the "less money to spend, spend less money" orientation . . . as THEY continue to approve spending THEY want to do. "Taxes" are only an issue when THEY are not in power, by observation. YET, when it comes to spending money, they want to "let the locals determine how it is spent, as they know their situations best." Meaning THEY don't want to take the time to get to know THEIR constituents, the people who voted for them, better! That is "great customer service" that deserves another trip to Congress???

whkattk said...

Amen to that, Rick. You have stated it quite succinctly.

whkattk said...

@ Anonymous - I sure hope you're right.

VoenixRising said...

Already reposted! Thank you Rick!

JiEL said...

No.1 It's all what we have here in Canada and more in procince of Québec to help parents to have children.
When a child is born and since his 18th bitrhday, families will recieve from the federal government money like around $300/month and more if there is more than one child in that family.

Day care here cost $10/day to help both parents to go to work and when doing their income taxes report they benefit of a $2 000 deductible per child.

Not to mention our universal heathcare system to ALL Canadians and also universal dental care for all children under 18yo.

We are maybe not a Christian society but we have laws to help everyone in our country.

PS. We give sexe education in all primary schools beginning at grade 5 and in every level of high school.
Birth control is part of our health care system and abortion is legal (and FREE) here for decades to protect the lives of our women and children.

JiEL said...

Forgot to say the gun control here is at maximum and very very very rarely you'll see a mass shooting in any schools, primary, high school, college or university.

Our children never have to go through gun shooting exercises.

BatRedneck said...

Like anyone who has a tad of common sense I am appalled by the last SCOTUS’ ruling.

Yet the tired and therefore cynical witness that I am couldn’t help but thinking « yet another infamous brick added to this nonsense building the U.S. seem to be becoming ». And my heart cries out for all the good people of your country.

I remember thinking, back in late 2016, that American voters had been as inconsequent as Pandora opening the infamous box. And the myth goes on, as it would seem that you all - as well as the rest of the world - are to rely on the hope that next November’s elections will see a rush of Democrat voters go and vote in order to take back what inherently belongs to their whole Nation: the freedom to rule by themselves, for the benefit of each and every citizen, under the rules of law actually blind to personnal interests.

I see both right an left wings extremists battling for power in my own country. I’ve been seeing for some years the Western world and Europe fancying far-right ideas and electing people who are -to me - wannabees for the next Nuremberg’s trial.
And I cannot help but thinking: who amongst us will still be alive once the world will be ravaged by their rapacity and their lust at pleasing their ego? Will there even be an organised world to witness and hear the lessons that had been told before?
I am no know-it-all but, for whatever’s sake: are the lessons of World War 2 really lost on today’s people?

End of my tirade.
Next Sunday I’ll go to the polls, a bit sad yet proud I have a say on the matter. An I suppose the outcome will be History.

SickoRicko said...

Bat - Yes, the lessons of war are lost on today's people.