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Wednesday, July 03, 2024



whkattk said...

Love that second meme. Gotta steal it....

Bobby b said...

We need to Smack President Biden upside the head and maybe, just maybe 🤔 he'll get better!!

JiEL said...

No.2 As the rest of the world and more because we are your most long border neighbors, Canada is now preparing IF this Orange con man would be in the White House in 2025.

Our Prime Minister and our foreign misnistery are making sure that we will be prepare for any outcome of the November 5 election.
Even to contain a civil war in your country.

In the past we did host some black people during the Confederate war and not far from now we did offer safe asylunm for those young men who didn't want to go to war in Vietnam.

Fernando said...

Unfortunately here in Europe, at least those of us who are not mononeuronal, do not look at what is happening in the U.S.A. having fun and eating popcorn. We look at it with fear: Fascists ruling in Hungary and Poland for many years. In Austria and Italy since their last elections, they are ruling in Netherland since yesterday and they can win in France soon. Furthermore, rising in the parliaments of all other countries and also in the European one, while the Right-wing parties associate with them, make concessions to them, and even imitate their ways of opposing with an insulting aggressiveness that was not common before, lying shamelessly and spreading hoaxes. All of this very much in the style of the orange turd. They also imitate them with disastrous, retrograde and inhuman policies that they surely already had to carry out before but which they would not have dared to do before the rise of the Ultra-Right... And also what happens in the USA greatly affects the rest of the world...
I repeat: We do not attend a comedy with fun. We look at what is happening with great fear

SickoRicko said...

Fernando - I totally understand your sentiments. That meme was actually from the 2016 election time. I'm fearful, too, about what's happening in Europe, as well as here.