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Friday, September 20, 2024



Workmen and Rednecks said...

"Only in America..."
; - )

JiEL said...

All this «eating pets by Haïtians» is so ridiculous that from outside USA, we are flabbergasted how stupid can be people to believe it.
Here in Montréal and in many cities in Canada we have a big number of Haïtians and never, never, never such stupid stuff could even be a spark in our brains.
They are very good workers , taxi drivers or helping in hospitals as nurses of nurse helpers, teachers, etc.
As they speak French, they quickly integrated our French speaking communities.
This only shows how the tRump-Vance ticket is demonizing immigrants and mostly black ones to please their white extremists base.
Time to go forward and vote Blue.

Anonymous said...

First the Haitians, then everyone else ! :(

Ramón said...

I am from the Caribe, and in the 54 years that I have been around Haitians all I saw were very hard-working men & women whose sole goal was to survive and prosper in a hostile world. My Haitian neighbors varied from artisans in woodcraft to dean of th school of dentistry in our largest university to interior designers, art gallery owners, fashion designers, and vendors of all sorts. I was schooled in contemporary Hispanic art by my Haitian neighbor, who on addition to owning a gallery gave radio talks in Spanish, French, English and German. Haití has a long history of aiding decolonizing movements; Simon Bolivar received a printing press from the Haitian government when he began his independence movement. Port au Prince was a safe haven for independence seekers from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Jamaica. They supplied soldiers to aid causes in North America and their graves were found in lower Manhattan. Haití was a safe haven for a European who became one of Latin America's great impressionist artists. Thanks to the extortion over their "loss" of Saint Domingue, the French extorted them for what today amounts to billions of dollars - to their setback, they paid the blackmail. The worst thing that ever happened to Haití was the French and later the USA's penchant for aiding and abetting dictatorships.

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - America: Land of the free-to-be-prejudiced-and-stupid.

Anonymous said...

Great post!