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Sunday, September 01, 2024



Anonymous said...

Religion is another form of control.
Look at these so called “religious leaders” and “preachers” with their tailored suits, Lear jets, mansions, and financial and sex scandals. Yet, they and the sheep they fleece, have the nerve to moralize and judge others. For them Christ is a whore they pimp for money, pornographers of religion all !

JiEL said...

In his today preach of Joe from «The Closet Professor» is mentioning how God in the Bible told us that this God is telling us that we have to see the other as equal on God's view and no one should be considered as «inferior».
Race, gender, citizenship etc...
What makes me wonder is how come such a Christian country can, by the way, not doing this for many parts of the USA.

In France and like in many other democratic countries which aren't religion freaks, they are putting this «eguality» for all in place no matter what or who?
When looking to all those countries ruled by religious governments like in Iran, Afghanistan or Arab countries, we can see that women are consider badly as second zone citizens and living in fear of their patriarcal way of ruling.
For this, the Project 2025 and the MAGA's seems to be leaning toward this kind of going back in human rights and most of all for women's rights and also LGBTQ rights.
IF tRump felon gets in the White House, USA will surely be going back in many ways not for the good of all Americans.