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Saturday, March 09, 2024


This attitude will not save our country
from christianist authoritarianism.

(I can't believe I have to post this stuff AGAIN!)


  1. People and parties need to stay out of people's personal lives. Period. This includes the church. If your going to heaven...fine. Don't worry about me.

  2. "Well, uh, er, mmm, Biden is out of touch. And he seemed so angry during his State of the Union Address", I'm not sure he's the right candidate.

    Cue eye roll...

  3. @Mistress Maddie,
    Here in Canada we had a prime minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who said back in 1962 that «gorvernment has NOTHING to do in people's bedrooms.

    This meant that our personnal lives must not be interfered by a governement restricting laws.

    We evacuted religion from all those public government sphere and even in schools since 1960's.

    In 1982 while renewing our 1867 Constitution Trudeau did include our Canadian Charter of Liberties and Rights to give us the right to love anyone we want and to beocme a country where race, sex and religions are treated as equals.

    Our society is now going toward equality between women and men and is now in sedond row behind Sweeden. In our federal and provincial legislatures women numbers are around 50/50 with men.
    Not mentionning that womwen can work now with equal wages from men with the «pay equity» law that was voted inb law back in 1990.

    In this regard, USA is really trailing back from many other democratic countries.

    To add to this, women and men for decades can have paid leave after havng a child by our unempoyed insurance of Canada.
    After, parents here in province of Québec can put their child in day care for around $10/day to help both parents to go to work without having to pay half of their salary in day care.

  4. @JiEL-You are undoubtably the best spokesperson for tourism and planned residency in Canada. I wish I could say the same for some of our citizens in America. We're working on it. November 5th will hopefully give a glimmer of hope for our future prospects and direction.

  5. @Milleson - I still hope USA, mostly the progressive and educated ones, wake up and go voting out for once and for all this Orange wanna be dictator.

    HOPE the Biden SOTU and other of his speeches will focus on the danger of not electing him.
    Also, Americans have to send a very strong message to the Congress by giving a solid majotity to both of the chambers.

    Latest to show how religion and here Catholic church can stop social evolution.
    In Irland Republic they just voted NO to women's equality and many other rights like gay marriage.
    Some societies are still going backward.


  6. If you can't find the better one, vote against the worst one

  7. the problem is that so far no one has found a better candidate than Biden


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.