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Saturday, November 11, 2023



  1. Here in Canada like in many European countries it's «Remembrance Day» (Jour du Souvenir).
    Many ceremonies all over Canada and the main one is in Ottawa at 11h11....

    We remember all of our soldiers serving and sacrificing their lives for our freedom in all those wars since 1914-18.

  2. A day of remembrance here in the UK too we symbolically wear a red poppy to mark this day, the red poppy appearing after all the hostilities had ceased the year after across the fields of Flanders! 🇬🇧 GayBob

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    Happy Veterans Day to all who have and continue to serve our country.

  4. Respect and memories of fine honorable men :)
    Sadly, their graves and memories are danced on by the republi-Cants and their draft dodger, bone spur footed orange yam who has said our veterans and war dead are losers. They are the ones who disgrace and spit on our veterans.-Rj

  5. En France, nous n'oublierons jamais soldats américaines, britanniques et alliés qui nous a libérés France et l'Europe, du mal et terreur.
    TOUS les trésors du monde ne pourraient jamais récompenser LEURS SACRIFICES.
    - Beau Mec à Deauville

  6. Anon@2:31pm - Well said, and appreciated.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.