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Thursday, July 21, 2022


The twit-ass cult

Ivanka looks empty and Melania appears positively possessed.


  1. All the women surrounding him look like they came right out of "The Stepford Wives."

    Today's hearing will show him for exactly what he is. Sad part? His true believers, his cult followers, won't believe a bit of it.

  2. Pat - Unfortunately, that is very true.

  3. They're all good, #7 is funny!

  4. Luv - The sooner, the better.

  5. It's great that the J6 hearings are being held. I have no hope that anything will come of them, though.

  6. Sorry to say that, but my neighbors don't seem to understand nor remember what's going on in their country. I'm Canadian.

  7. I'm Canadian, and I'm afraid my neighbors don't understand nor remember what's going on in their country. Read good books, learn and get involved!

  8. Big Dude - I'm not very hopeful either.

    Yves - We need to re-establish a decent education system first so people will understand better about our country and the world.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.