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Friday, January 10, 2020


Trump administration moves to change landmark environmental law

ABC News - Jan. 9, 2020

Environmental groups and experts that work with the law say the changes proposed by the Trump administration could also make it more difficult for concerned citizens to comment on upcoming projects.

"The law was built on decades of activism from people who wanted a say in decisions affecting their health, their lives, their communities, and their environment," Stephen Schima, senior legislative counsel at Earthjustice, an environment non-profit, said in a statement. "By stacking the deck for corporate polluters and eviscerating public participation, this administration is trashing that legacy. Without this law, the government will have an easier time letting dirty industry tear down trees, put up refineries next to children’s schools, and risk our health."

Schima added, "Worse still, this proposal will threaten to silence the voices of the very people government should be listening to -- the people living on the front lines of the climate crisis."

Read entire article HERE.

1 comment:

  1. The problem here is that the Executive Power has grown far too great. If the president - whoever it is - can simply sign a piece of paper wiping out decades of regulation and laws, the position has become too powerful. This is why the House is trying to reign in this imbecile.

    My fear is that the Dems will assume the majority, regain the presidency and not make permanent changes to the power now held by the executive branch.

    2020 is an important year.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.