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Monday, September 16, 2024



Infidel753 said...

"Cockwomble" is Scottish slang specifically. Trump has long been a disdained presence in Scotland, due to his abusive treatment of locals who live near his golf courses there, and in one case his illegal destruction (to expand a golf course or something) of a beach which was officially government-protected due to some unusual sand patterns that were being scientifically studied. I'm sure the Scots have a wide range of colorful terms they apply to him.

In Britain generally, by the way, the word "trump" is slang for "fart". The stand-up comedians over there have had a field day with that one since he got into politics.

whkattk said...

I see he hired yet another dimwit to make an "assassination" attempt. Another plea for attention, to get the GOP to feel sorry for him and get their votes.

Am I getting too cynical and callous when it comes to this asshat?

Cdadbr said...

Interesting take on things, Infidel. Thanks.

Cdadbr said...

Linus hit that "nail on the head"!

SickoRicko said...

Infidel - Thank you for the trivia.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - There's a Columbo episode very similar to this with Jackie Cooper as the desperate politician.

Anonymous said...

Trump is like chicken little, after awhile no one believes what he claims or says.
Now, more people believe the assassination attempts are staged for sympathy. Trump is like a Vulcan in an airlock that deliberately farts to annoy Captain Kirk.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s chickens have come to roost !
As his violent rhetoric boomerang’s on him. -Rj

Anonymous said...

Am I so naive not believing that Trump knew nothing about those two assassinations attempts on his life? Also, who are the millions that he supposedly wants to send to the gas chambers like Hitler did. I see no comparison with Hitler to Trump at all.