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Friday, September 27, 2024



Cdadbr said...

It appears the 1980s concept of "profit sharing" vanished by the 1990s. Employees "doing their jobs, well" was just that AND what they were being paid to do. CEOs see their pay amounts as "doing MY job well" and not seeing the profit sharing as an investment in the company and the economy as a whole. Everybody getting to keep their job is evidence of them "doing their job well", so THAT is the reward, no matter the level in the company.

If part of "doing their job well" might mean raising consumer prices, so be it. Only makes the people above the cloudline more money, as reinforcement that they are "doing their job, well".

whkattk said...

I'm grateful that people have recognized the problem as corporate greed to the point the CEOs are admitting it. As a result inflation is down under 3%.