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Sunday, September 15, 2024


They had to break up the set...

No, not mine, my nuts are still sharing the same sac. But, Jerry's eldest brother was experiencing pain in his right testicle and it had to be removed last week.


Coquin Belgium said...

Sorry about Jerry, I have a friend who had testicular cancer, and it seems to work even better than when he had his two balls!

Anonymous said...

My sympathy to the man who had a testicle removed. Big Dude

Will said...

My sympathies for Jerry's brother.

Anonymous said...

Sp sorry, he can put prosthesis if he wanted

whkattk said...

Damn.... My sincere condolences to Jerry's brother. I hope he recovers well!

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said.

Rick, just seeing this, I wish Jerry's brother a speedy recovery.

I might have shared this on Rick's blog or maybe not, I really will make this short. I was born with only one nut. Yup had to have an operation when I was about 11 or 12 to see if it just didn't drop yet, but there was nothing to be dropped down. They have to do the procedure so one doesn't have the chance of getting cancer later on in life.

To be honest always wish I had two and really never tell almost anybody I have one, but fuck the one I have drives me insane.,LMAO!!! Though I will say to a dude "Lick my balls", suck by balls, feel my balls, etc, etc,!! Now not bragging, but I have had my share of men, and honestly only a few have made a comment. I think many of the others were just being kind.

Now back in those days, the dr, or maybe it was even invented yet, never asked if I thought of having a fake one put in, and I was a kid. Of course, it would have been neat to have a "set", but heck too darn old to be so vain about it now.

Now off to the trails I go and yes if someone is going to go down on me, I will say now remember "LICK MY BALLS"!!!!

Thanks Rick, and again a speedy recovery to Jerry's eldest brother.

SickoRicko said...

Scott - Thanks, and thanks for sharing your story.