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Thursday, July 04, 2024


Happy Independance Day!
(Possibly the last one as we know it.)

Be Safe. Be Kind.


uptonking said...

I wish they were illegal. They are so barbaric and inconsiderate. F people.

whkattk said...

I've been surprised by the lack of fireworks around us this year. Usually, they've started several days before. This year - only one here or there. I sure hope it stays that way. I kind of doubt it, but one can hope.

Happy 4th to you and Jerry!

LeftField said...

Fireworks are banned in the city of Seattle, but people still fire them. Just across the city line, it sounds like a war zone. Hey, it's all about "them".

Milleson said...

Every year this day approaches I marvel at the amount of disposable income is spent on this tradition. If I had the money spent on fireworks just in my neighborhood alone, I wouldn't have to draw Social Security...SERIOUSLY. I don't mind the beautiful aerial displays that we can ooh and aah when they light up the sky, but those damn M80 shells or whatever they call them that rattle your windows and set off car alarms with their vibrations need to go. Unfortunately, the county commissioners in this part of Washington state are in the pockets of of the fireworks makers and the groups that sell them and will not ban them as other large cities in the state have done. Sure, they have rules and regs about times and places but no one follows them because they know there aren't enough law enforcement personnel to issue the citations. The 12 midnight time to stop will extend around 3 tomorrow morning, I'm retired so no work to drag myself to with only 1 or 2 hours of sleep. One brand calls itself "Safe and Sane" fireworks. Yeah, right! Tell that to the ER doctor treating the numbskull with a Zip-Lock bag full of his fingers and for sanity...umm, I don't think so.

However you choose to celebrate this day, do it wisely and with the knowledge that your pleasure is another man's panic attack and your actions are causing great harm to the world around you and its creatures. My plan is to be with some friends in the neighborhood, enjoy their company, eat way too much food and drink way too much alcohol and numb myself into a coma-like state to survive the night's Armageddon. Happy 4th

JiEL said...

In many ciries in Canada fireworks are forbidden because of the danger of wildfires in forest nearby.

With the beauty od drones shows, fireworks maybe a souvenir of the past.
Those drones lights shows are amazing to see and no noise of pollution too.

LeftField said...

JiEl is right. I wasn't going to say it, but the primary purchasers of these fireworks in my neighborhood are definitely not high-income families. I believe it is fair to say that personal fireworks have become a class issue.

Jeff said...

Happy Independence Day Rick! May your food be good and the fireworks few! Thanks for all you do!

Mistress Maddie said...

It's all we heard last night, and tonight will be even more. The watermelon dog look like my Buster!!!! He doesn't seem to mind hearing fireworks, but Lillith our Ridgeback who passed on last March had terrible panic attacks and wouldn't settle all night. Sophie, my uncle's dog doesn't mind them either. No sure why some dogs mind them and not others?

Hope you have a Nice Fourth Ricko.

SickoRicko said...

Jeff - You're very welcome.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said.

Honestly guys I had no idea that fireworks caused all that. Really makes me think things a lot differently about them. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Anonymous said...

Happy Independance Day!

Anonymous said...

Agreed…! I hate them.