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Friday, June 28, 2024


I watched the debate and, I have to admit, I'm discouraged.


Unashamed Male said...

I viewed the debate as a disaster. Based on appearances (which is what most people will go by), not actual policy issues, Biden appeared old and feeble, several times hesitating while mentally searching to remember a word or a fact. Trump appeared strong and vital, blithely ignoring any question he didn't want to answer and confidently spewing a stream of lies, which unless the public consults fact-checkers (which most people won't do) will go unchallenged.

Rad said...

...and today, I expect his SCOTUS to rule he is immune from prosecution.

Will said...

The debate was just painful. A shambling corpse on one side and an orange lie factory on the other. The Dems need to have a come to Jesus moment with POTUS and choose a better slate of candidates (not including the current VP).

LeftField said...

I immediately wrote my representatives and the White House to let them know: Joe, you got to go!

Cdadbr said...

DON'T kick an employees out until you have a slam-dunk great replacement ready to walk into the room! Why is it that in the workplace, "experience" is desired, but in politics, it's "Let's put that new guy in" and then expect immediate greatness?

When Trump started talking about how good his golf game was, THAT'S when Biden should have hammered back about "While you are hob-nobbing with your well-off friends, poor women are making big financial sacrifices to get abortion care. Manh of your supporters in Appalachia are drinking water that does not meet federal standards for purity. AND your policies separated migrant families at the border, putting those people AND KIDS in chain-link cages in a warehouse, like it was a huge "animal shelter". NOR did your immigration people keep a good track of those humans, to see where they later ended up so MY administration could re-unite them.

It was mentioned that some of what Trump bragged about, Biden actually did.

** SCARY THOUGHT ** It was mentioned that if Trump gets elected, that Alito and Thomas will retire during his term, which will more-totally skew the Supreme Court in the WRONG direction . . . just because Trump can.

NO MATTER HIS AGE, I trust Biden far much farther than Trump to work for us ALL. Period. NOTHING HAS CHANGED with Trump!

JiEL said...

I saw the debate and as a Canadian I was sad to see so painful way Biden was talking and not surprised of so many lies (34) tRump was spreading again and not answering the most important questions.

My heart is bleeding for you my American friends to have such a pitiful choice to elect your next President.

One is a felon liar and the other is loosing his memory and capacity to make fast response.

Those two candidates should resign and let better candidates to save your democracy.
Time to rejuvinate those candidates and put more effective and updated people to guide USA into the 21st century.

Mistress Maddie said...

Your not the only one. An old man and a con man. THESE are our two choices. We must do better...and demand better candidates as we the people. I watched 15 min....painful...and turned to the show I generally watch. The Democrats in DC were not happy. Biden was way off last night. He's done good things...but I don't know he has the stamina for another term, but he's a wonderful man. Trump? Was trump...we knew he'd lie his ass off.

Mistress Maddie said...

Blogger is at it again....my comment disappeared.

SickoRicko said...

Maddie - Blogger put your comment in spam. It's now published.

JiEL said...

Biden was in a rally in NC this afternoon and he seems more energetic and rigth on with his speech.
Maybe last night he was too nervous or no one knows what?

For sure, those two are not the best choices to be President even with Biden's 50 years of experience.

Good luck my American friends.

Manitou Brad said...

Biden MUST step aside are we will have tRump for a very long 4 years. Please Joe do what is best for the country...

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - I read that he might have had a cold at the debate.

Anonymous said...

Left Field here. @Cdadbr, because Biden isn't an employee, he's a politician. He is a good man. But he has one thing to accomplish and that was, let Americans know that she was not a factor. He failed.

fred said...

As Barack Obama said today, "Bad Debates happen! I Know!" Not time to change, but double down on our support and get this over the Finish Line with a real Blue Wave.

Paul Merisi said...

Trump agreed to the rules of the debate but did not follow them. He is a bully and buollied his way past the truth of his deceitful persona.