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Friday, June 14, 2024



whkattk said...

Their ridiculous ideology is so easy to see by anyone with common sense.

JiEL said...

All of those MAGA misinformations are going to really rig your next elections as many uneducated or fanatic people are not questionning if those are real.

Here in Canada we have the leader of our federal Conservative Party who is trying to copy the Trumpism but most of the time we can see how ridiculous his speeches are.

He constantly blame Trudeau for any of the wrong things going on in Canada, same way that your MAGA whining conman in chief blames it all on Biden even if what is going on in USA was because of his bad past decisions or with the border issue his push on the GOP to not vote for funding for help at the southern border.

You must vote blue on all levels to exclude all of those lunatics from any powet offices.

Milleson said...

@whkattk - Common sense, a human trait obviously deficient in so many people now. I wonder how and when that happened, and then I answer my own question. It happened big time during the Presidential campaign months in 2015 and 2016 when people gave up common sense and decided to vote for the most unqualified candidate in our history. It won't be our best chapter when they write about it in the coming years. And because those who ceded thinking for themselves will still be plentiful, some school boards, parents and library patrons will demand those books be banned or burned. Shameful behavior for a ?civilized? nation.

Zimbo said...

The problem is, was and apparently will continue to be FOXNews. The rest of Right Wing Media, too, for sure. But FOXNews is Public Enemy Number One.