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Wednesday, June 05, 2024


1950s Predictions


LeftField said...

@Rad. Thank you for your service! I wouldn't have lasted a day in the computer field. Oh wait. I lasted one class period.

whkattk said...

And, so it came to pass.

I'm not so sure that is all good. LOL.

JiEL said...

What they didn't figure back then is that «computers» were going to be in ALL of those machines and cars with the miniaturisation of the chips.

Anonymous said...

Little did they know you can operate things with apps on your cell phone.
But be warned, AI may lead the way to computers and robots taking over from mankind, remember what happened in Creation of the Humanoids, 2001 A Space Odyssey or the Twilight Zone episode The Brain Center at Whipple’s.

Cdadbr said...

Those pictures from the 1950s looked so sleek and modernistic, then and now, yet a common smartphone can do far more than they could now. That was the perceived, at that time, future for well-off citizens and such. Still waiting for the "Star Trek"-type hand-helds to do medical diagnosis AND tissue repairs.

uptonking said...

Super fun. I love retro technology. Thanks for sharing.