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Wednesday, June 05, 2024



whkattk said...

Ooooo. I didn't know I was mentioned in that thing that many times! Though those nuns and priests sure did try to beat it out of me.

JiEL said...

So many of those Bible freaks should really apply many of its rules in their lives and only then they would see it's a fables book of another time.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Holy High !
Remember when free spirited hippies went on to become judge-mental Jesus freaks ? Or the friend or relative who was pretty wild in their youth and are now adults who are judge-mental as all hell and how both types like to make others and their lives miserable. -Rj

JiEL said...

Maybe in USA bvt here in province of Québec the hippie times in the 60-70's were awakening years to get rid of the Catholic Church which did bad things here sicialy and politicaly.
We called it «la Révolution Tranquile» (the Quiet Revolution) whe we elected at the beginning of the 60's a governement of our Liberal Provincial Party.
ALL religion were took out of our governement places, schools and university etc..

We also instated our Hydro Quebec, a national power company which is still a pride for us making hyudro electricity affordable for all of us.

To mention only one of what is Province of Québec made of today.

No more religion did free us from all of those fable lessons from that old book.

uptonking said...

Silly Xtians.... they are dangerous people, my dear.