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Friday, May 31, 2024



Unashamed Male said...

I was expecting a hung jury, but of course Trump is not hung.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The vote that counts, counts 34 times:)
This will only prove to be the beginning of Trump’s long and drawn out unraveling. The crucial votes will be in November, everyone of good conscience get out and vote. Don’t let these traitorous and seditionist fascistic hacks piss on the graves of our war dead or the memories of our deceased loved ones and Americans of all walks of life we have admired. -Rj

Milleson said...

After a quiet day of tempered jubilation, I awoke this morning with a fear and deep sorrow for what will come from this pivotal moment in our history. None of his sycophants and supporters will accept the verdict. Once again they will be called to correct this grievous error as seen through their eyes, lining up behind this complete failure of a man with their their lethal weapons to right a wrong. This will not be something for which our nation can be proud. This will be our darkest moment in recent history.

Totally forgotten in the crazed eyes and minds of his toadies will be all the facts that preceded this overwhelming verdict. They already blame the Democrats for weaponizing the judicial system and putting their messiah in this uncomfortable position which was totally attributed to his own making. Forgotten will be the fact that the jurors were selected and seated by both the prosecution AND the defense. If there's blame to be placed, hold his lawyers responsible for the outcome of this trial and also blame the man himself for helping them to set up his defense. Forgotten will be the fact that this case didn't come to trial because he paid off a porn star to keep her shut up before the election. It was the manipulation of the payment in the falsified records of the campaign that was illegal in New York. And why this astounds me is the fact that if this sexual tryst never happened, why was a payment made??? It would have been a case of she said/he said and that would be the end to it.

As we witnessed yesterday after the verdict and in today's news, his shameful, brown-lipped, butt-kissing members of Congress have fallen in line behind the lies of this despicable excuse for a human and have bemoaned the outcome with the predictable misinformation they've been spewing with Fox news for 8 years. Not one Republican has had the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing and denounce this buffoon for the true danger he is to our democracy. No, not ONE! Shameful cowards they be that can't see the damage they're doing to their country.

If we change the list of characters in this courtroom drama, if Biden would have been charged with these 34 counts and found guilty, you know the response from the GOP would have been one of acceptance of the verdict, one of justice having been served, one of no doubt in the outcome.

My fear is that at some point there will be bloodshed over this lawful judgment. It seems inevitable after witnessing the events of January 6th and knowing of what these deranged people are capable. My hope is that the precautions are in place to keep the chaos contained and quickly ended. I hope that law enforcement will protect all the people involved in this monumental decision as names are revealed in court records and that no harm comes to the judge, jury and those who testified for the prosecution. If we lose our acceptance of our rule of law, we will revert back to the lawless days of our 19th century mentality. I doubt we will witness a path to healing and a continuation of a united states of America anytime soon.

The most important election in our lifetime is 5 months away. The vote for a democracy and sanity over a dictatorship and depravity is a popular vote spread of at least 60%-40%. The last election in 2020 was about 56%-44% and we all witnessed what followed decision. Emphasis MUST be that each legal voter Must vote. Only then can our democracy continue with competent leadership in all branches of government and we can begin the process of ridding these chambers of the MTGs, Boeberts, Gaetzs, Grahams, Rubios, T. Cruzs, Hawleys, Scotts, Johnsons, Stefaniks, Jordans et al.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Very well said. Thank you.

whkattk said...

@ Milleson - We need to get rid of as many of those asshats in the House and Senate as possible in Nov, too.

Folks should have every reason to be jubilant, but it's going to get mighty scary. His people are already threatening to kill people involved in the trial and trying to hack the city's computer servers and doxx the jurors to mark them for harassment and death.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Trump and the Republicans all scream that it was a rigged trial and a rigged jury. They seem to forget that the jurors were selected by both the defense team and the prosecution team, and that Trump himself had a chance to testify, but chickened out, so the fat orange pumpkin has nothing to say about the outcome of the trial… They saw the truth and they voted the truth…

Anonymous said...

Today, I copied and sent the attached email and the comment from Milleson to my husband and one of our close personal friends. I hope you don't mind Milleson. I always look forward to reading your comments and this one really had an impact on me. Best regards to all.

I have consistently read "SickoRicko" almost every day for at least 10-15 years.  I always read the comments to help me understand the perspectives of Rick's readers and the audience I'm choosing to be part of.  They are always insightful, albeit sometimes a little vulgar (as you can imagine), and, occasionally, venomous when the "early AM troll" is online, but they help shape my perspective, sometimes positively, sometimes, otherwise.  Today, I read this comment and I was so affected by it, that I copied it and am forwarding it to you.  It's really long for an SR comment, but please take the time to read it.  While it's, overall, pessimistic about the near term, I believe, it characterizes nicely a very real set of circumstances set to create a social/political/cultural storm that, when it erupts, will have the potential to leave in its wake significant damage and destruction.  The writer, Milleson, who frequently comments, is so right, in my opinion.  We cannot become desensitized and despondent from the intense noise we are hearing now and will continue to be bombarded with until (and after) the election or dissuaded from what we must, as responsible and liberty-loving citizens do - vote and encourage our friends and family to vote.  The future of our democracy and the rights that we as LGBT people have fought hard and died for are at stake.


SickoRicko said...

Anon@4:22pm - I'm sure Milleson won't mind. In fact, he might be honored. Thank you.