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Friday, May 31, 2024


1921 Tulsa Race Massacre


Xersex said...

very interesting!

Big Dude said...

It's disgraceful that this is not taught in history classes.

whkattk said...

And it wasn't the only one Black neighborhood this happened to during Reconstruction.
There will be more of that and much more widespread if we don't rid ourselves of the Evilgelical Authoritarian Dictator Wannabes.

JiEL said...

I saw this on TV and I was outrage of how this could be done but after all, this is the never ending story of American history where there are two levels of citizens in USA.

PS. With all this I cannot understand black men like Tim Scott kissing 45's ass and spreading his lies all over even like yeaterday on CNN.
Bravo to Abby Philip to have been able to sustain his shit spreading on her interview.

Anonymous said...

Not only racism, but also a deep seated jealousy of the success of the black community of Tulsa by the white residents. In WW2 there were race riots in Detroit because of all the black people who moved there to work for the war effort and the riots left scores dead.:(
In New Jersey my spanish grandfather rented to a black family and at another time a Puerto Rican family. Much to the open hostility of other apartment owners who insisted he not rent to ‘those’ people.
My grandad reminded these other owners that there was a time in New Jersey when people didn’t want a spic like himself or degos, mics and polaks like themselves living in New Jersey. And how they seem to forget where they hell they came from and here they were discriminating against good people just as they had been discriminated against.
He pointed out that the black family was headed by a Korean War veteran and the Puerto Rican family had two sons serving in the US Navy. Needless to say my grandad was not swayed by his bigoted neighbors.:) -Rj

SickoRicko said...

Rj - Good for your grandfather to do that.