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Thursday, May 30, 2024


(But, we all knew that.)


Anonymous said...

There ya go…! Thanks, Rick..! Hugs to you and Jerry. Xo Jeff

Milleson said...

I'm really very happy for the former president. He finally is #1 and the best at something-


He must be so very proud and I'm sure he and his family are celebrating his achievement tonight.

The RNC convention should be as memorable in July. It's unprecedented to run a convicted felon for your candidate to the highest office of the land.

May the gods rid us of these unqualified imbeciles and their brain-dead followers.

JiEL said...

YOP ! We all knew it but it'll be the onlyu case done before the Nov. 5 election day.

Have to give a huge HURREY for the slowlyness of you Justice system.

- Jan 6, nothing more done.
- Gerorgia election tempering nothing more done.
- Mar A Largo secret papers nohing more done. (odd to see he doesn't say that this GOP judge is biased.)

So, be ready for a criminal president in the WH in 2025.
Well after Nixon it'll be your second one.

AND BTW the website to give money to this criminal candidate just was shut down for overflow of donations...
Money has no smell even the one of shit...

Mistress Maddie said...

Until he is really held accountable and PAYS for his crime and does jail time......THEN we will see if anyone is really above the law. If he doesn't get jail time then what is the point of all this?

I couldn't agree more with Jiel on his commment. And this is going to now infuriate his base and the R party. I can see dumb asses voting for him just to keep him from jail, and no other reason....then if we wins, he is really going to be hell bent on reverge. biden better cross every T and dot every I and not misstep....and I hope he gains more black and Latina vote, because they are not happy with Biden currently.

I can't wait for the day we don't hear the Fat Git's name.....

Xersex said...

I think everyone knew he was guilty, Repgs included. in fact, I think many of them feel embarrassed for and because him.

Cdadbr said...

Republicans have given the American people the impression that THEY can do no wrong. That ONLY they know how to best spend tax dollars. That ONLY they know how to best modulate the economy. Well, they've periodically failed at those last one, which became clear at the end of the GWBush presidency, as President Obama had to bail us out of the poor financial state Bush left us in. Can't "tax cut" yourself out of that hole! Bush was a great guy, but he got us into that Republican-oriented "hole". They said Obama was wrong to take the route he did. When it worked better than they expected, then THEY said "We could have done it sooner". Obviously, they were wrong and did not want to admit it!

Republicans, historically, don't like to spend money, so all "good spending" is thwarted by their actions. THEN they always advocate for less taxes and then go on spending sprees in reverse when they get into office. Ever notice how the level of the national debt is ONLY an issue when they are not in office? Decreasing tax revenue AND spending money is not a sustainable course! IF it was their personal income, they'd be doing things differently!

whkattk said...

It's going to be a very long and ugly slog toward November.

Federal judges keep protecting him, fanatic acolytes in Congress keep defending him, millions of idiots keep giving him their hard-earned money to pay his legal fees....

Mistress Maddie said...

Idiots indeed. And you know some of them can't even afford to give hard earned money to him and do it anyway. And he would only stab them in the back.

Anonymous said...

The Republican voter has become a lemming for Trump and the sick thing is they know it. As far a Trump’s 34 guilty convictions I’m holding off the champagne I’m saving until he is either in jail or no longer a threat to the presidency. Sadly he probably will see no jail time and members of his corrupt family will seek political office for a sick form of revenge.:( -Rj

SickoRicko said...

Rj - I suspect things will get even worse before they get better.