WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023



Mistress Maddie said...

Now only if the fourth meme could happen.

uptonking said...

Love that meme about nuns and hijabs! That is perfect. So logical, and I never thought of it that way. As for the rest... so over it all. And the US and Nazis - we're built on slavery and keeping people poor and stupid... so? In a way, we're more like the catholic church than nazis.

SickoRicko said...

Upton - Sorry, I had to delete that Nazi one. It was not supposed to get posted here.

JiEL said...

No.6 the nun & hijab woman is just what we are struggling on here in Canada for few days as our Prime Minister just nominate a «muslim lady» wearing that kind of total hijab.

Many are outraged because she will be in charge of the «Anti islamic comitee» to investigate on the hate of muslims-islamic going on in Canada.

We aren't against anyone practicing their faith, no matter that faith, but we are a country where all of our public institutions are non religious ones.

In Province of Québec the provincial government did pass a law (Law 96) to forbid anyone to wear visible religious signs when serving in a public service and government services like teachers, policemen, judges etc..

That did a huge backlash effect mainly from the English provinces of Canada.

You must know that since 1963, we here had excluded ALL religion from our schools and government services. Our women did also gain many rights and liberties to be freed from male superiority and controls.

So, those muslim intergrists are not welcome from many of our parts of society to come and impose their retrograd religious views.

In Ontario, they even tryed to impose the Shariah law over the Canadian Law system and luckily the Ontario legislature just said «no way» you cannot overcome our Canadian laws.

Any religion trying to impose their faith to us by force or in hypocrite ways are not welcome here in Canada and surely not in Province of Québec where I live.

Xersex said...

a mythologhy nowadays believed!

elJiffy said...

No. 6 is a false equivalence. Women who freely choose to become nuns may or may not wear a veil, but ALL women in Muslim countries MUST wear the hijab or the burka, like it or not, or suffer the consequences.
Islam is no friend to women or gay people or freethinkers or to our hard-fought Western tradition of secularism.
We must beware these stealth attempts by Islamists to indoctrinate people into thinking that hijabs and other symbols of feminine submission are really about choice, an option women may have in the West, but most certainly DON'T have in the countries where sharia is the law. To put it more plainly, let a woman walk with head and face bared down the streets of Tehran or Riyadh and see if she reaches her destination unscarred and alive. Try being gay in one of these countries without being hanged or having a wall dropped on you.
In short, fuck Islam, and fuck the two horses it rode in on.