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Tuesday, November 30, 2021


This explains a lot...

So does this...


JiEL said...

What is leading to «stupidity» is «ignorance».

Ignorance propagated by low education and a misleading propaganda which feeds those who are blind enough to believe those lies.

Parents are the first one to educate the child and give him a kind of path of thinking that will remain all his life time.
But this isn't all because the social fact and influences of friends and medias are also leading the way this child will evolve.

It's not a simple issue here because even with the best education, people can always change their way of thinking for many good or bad outside influences.

What is today a real social cancer are internet misleading ideologies and bad poilitisation of simple science facts.

The path of what is going on in USA with the rise of racism, white supremacy and the far right ideology which allows censure and burns books give us a bad taste about the rise of fascism in 1930's Germany.

Stupidity is then the result of ignorance.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Yep, just like the videos said.

BatRedneck said...

Wow. Thank you for those two. I'll have to look up that German - victim of his time - author and his writings.
This short video indeed deserves to be spread as widely as possible, whatever the age of the public - though we know that unfortunately too many never go past 30 seconds of attention at best once they realize they stumbled on something that calls upon their grey matter... (let's call it the "reading the headlines is enough to make my own opinion" syndrome)
As for Mr DeGrasse Tyson I'd love nothing much than to attend one - better: several - of his lectures.
One word though that I was expecting to hear: difference. As in difference inducing fear, or fear/hatred taught based upon difference. Though it's true that difference may be just a tool, a mean to an end in the hands of those seeking personal power.

uptonking said...

Thanks, Rick. I rather loved that first video. But it fails to address how we liberate them from themselves. Education? They don't even want to acknowledge the most basic of truths. I dunno. But I have felt we are on the eve of something very bad in the US.

SickoRicko said...

Bat - You are welcome. Quite by accident I sometimes run across pertinent stuff

upton - I think we're a few decades late for proper education to prevent the chaos that's on the horizon.

taurusd2 said...

Thank you very much, Rick. While having grown up during the WWII years, having a father and and family members who fought in the war, having read works in the post war period and suffered all the anti-communistic witch hunts, I still didn't know of the stupidity theory. It needs wider dissemination as others here have suggested. My work as an educator for forty years seems to have been in vain but I still hope there are some that I touched. Keep up the good work of countering the misinformation that seems to pervade the internet.

SickoRicko said...

taurusd2 - Thanks for commenting. I'm sure you had to have touched many individuals during your years of teaching.