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Tuesday, October 12, 2021



whkattk said...

Because the Dems can't seem to get it together AT ALL to put a stop to the shenanigans of the Republicans, 2022 is going to be a total nightmare. Even if Dems win an election, they'll lose. All the way down the ballot to Dog Cather.
It's the end of the long game the Republicans have been playing. Though they will pick and choose certain Dems to "win" so they can claim we still have a democratic republic. Ya know --- like Russia.

JiEL said...

The more time goes by, the USA's democracy is in real peril.

The world is watching and the autocracy of other countries are celebrating the fall of the American Experience as a failier.

The Retrumplicons seem to be doing all they can to help the Putines of this world to destroy USA in many ways.

For what is going on in Washington, you need a real miracle to change it.
Biden is useless when even is own parti isn't supporting his policies.

USA is on the verge of becoming an «autocracy» with the coming back of the «clown in chief» in the White House in 2024.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk & JiEL - Ya know, both you guys nailed it. I started to add my own editorial using language with the very same sentiments as both of you. But I got lost in despair and deleted it.

Unknown said...

I voted last election and plan on voting every election until I no longer can. It was scary watching how people in power fought against the results.

uptonking said...

VOTE. Get all the scum out that we can. Chip away at it. They are the worst. And they plan to do more harm. I hope to never see another Republican as president - EVER.

Rad said...

YES on all counts. Depressed? Still. Never got over the LAST four years. Just so fucking over MAGA.

SickoRicko said...

Unknown@11:07am & uptonking & Rad - Absolutely. Everything. Y'all. Said.