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@Anon: Could you please point us to your blog/vlog/twitter or else so that we can get enlightened by your thoughts and opinions about the Afghanistan (here properly spelled) current crisis? Thank you very much in advance.
PS : Oxford's English dictionaries provides the following definition of 'Anonymous': having no outstanding, individual, or unusual features; unremarkable or impersonal. Duh! (<= this addendum would be mine)
From my Canadian point of view I think that the way US army is leaving Afghanistan was first negociated by your 45 super dealer president before Biden was elected. Now Biden is trying to clean that mess up made by 20 years of many presidents interventions.
It's always easy for you «Retrumplicons» to blame the others but never looking to your own mistakes.
For the world wide trouble it began when 45 «tRump» made in «American First» actions and widrawing US from many international groups and letting Russia and China take the lead in international politics.
So keep in looking to the straw in the eye of the other but not the log in your own eye.
I am living in Europe on migrant road to western Europe... but western borders are closed and we have NOW in last decade specially horrible experience, real migrant invasion from East and they are all Moslem. Only young's, able to fight for better in their own country but wonted to occupied Europe... by finical help from USA by SOROS specially. and now we have one more invasion to come.
Christian south east Europe has more then 600 years all kind of wars, with them. Because it is geographically on the way to western Europe.
It is not problem who decided to leave after 20 years one state it is problem HOW will leave NOW. That is problem. Now we have colossal mass by one impotent and senile DRMOCRAT president.
I am using this anonimus form as I have had quite long and very unpleasant ,by email, communication with Sicko and I am sure that he will never publish my comments as he is passionate and blind Democrat. He do not understand world out side America but he is ready do give ultimate advice... as some from Canada for example too.
Yes my English is broken one but I can write in French or in Russian if you prefer, problem is will you understand. Do you wonted to understand even broken language as you prefer form from message.
Anon@7:45pm - I remember you now. I remember you live in fear and frustration. You love ballet, if I remember correctly. I am very sorry for your situation. As you can see, I have published your comment.
Again you are wrong. I am Ph.D. architect, working in several Europe states...but I am from old Europe`s state, min 800 years old, witch Americans heavily bombarded in 1999 even with nuclear staff against UN security council approval... so real fear from You as militant democrat and your buccaneer State...
@Anon: I have disrespected you, disregarding a situation of yours which I was not aware of, and for that I apologise. It seems to me that you may be pointing your finger to the wrong person, though. As JiEL mentioned, U.S. President Biden merely went through what his predecessor had already set in motion: the evacuation of US forces from Afghanistan.
The fact that your country is now facing an afflux of immigration which obviously causes you trouble may be but the right question to address your political elites and administrations: what have they done so far, and what do they currently intend to do to prevent your nation from feeling invaded at the expense of you people? Including the main question "What do we do for the immigrants who will settle - How do we help them settling?"
Blaming an oversea president may seem to be an easy thing to do, and George Soros as a billionaire figure looks as much too, but you may want to remind your local and elected officials how accounted they are for the many issues you are facing in your actual life.
Again I (nor us here) do not know which country you live in. Being French, and as much as I recall from my several vacations in Hungary, Czech Republic and Croatia, I feel for these countries for indeed they are a gateway to immigrants from middle-east. Just as much as are Italy and Greece. Still I feel really bad for a gentle people such as Hungarians to be ruled by this Orban right winger whose sole politics are but fascist reminiscences. Escaping the nazis, enduring the soviets, only to fall into the arms of a modern populist…. How come?
As privileged as I might sound, I still remember Pecz’s main catholic church(?) in the center of the town: a former mosque with its inner walls still showing arabian suras (or maybe they’ve been paited over since then). Nearby was sitting the Jewish synagogue - which you had to pay for in order to enter and visit, nothing surprising :-) I also remember, in the outskirts of the town, that catholic church from the 1800s with its blue painted inner walls covered in golden stars. Beyond its history of ceramic industry, that town left me with the knowledge that the local people may have been invaded more times than one can count during its History, still they managed to assimilate the cultures they once had to face, leading the people to become who they now are.
Addendum for Anon: your evocation of 1999's bombing makes me think you are Serbian. A country and people who, along with Croatians, has a long history of suffering from the western politics. But also a cradle for anarchy and the worst that goes along, if memory serves me well. Nowadays it's called terrorism. Definitely not something I would make a flag of. What's your name again?
Not surprised by any of those companies... none of which I do business with.
ReplyDeleteThat second meme nails it. And the logic in the first is mind bending. Thanks,Rick.
It is fantastic how you avoid to speak about Avganistan end your senile president who steal election and create fantastic world wide trouble.
ReplyDelete@Anon: Could you please point us to your blog/vlog/twitter or else so that we can get enlightened by your thoughts and opinions about the Afghanistan (here properly spelled) current crisis?
ReplyDeleteThank you very much in advance.
PS : Oxford's English dictionaries provides the following definition of 'Anonymous': having no outstanding, individual, or unusual features; unremarkable or impersonal.
Duh! (<= this addendum would be mine)
@Anonymous: 10h07
ReplyDeleteFrom my Canadian point of view I think that the way US army is leaving Afghanistan was first negociated by your 45 super dealer president before
Biden was elected. Now Biden is trying to clean that mess up made by 20 years of many presidents interventions.
It's always easy for you «Retrumplicons» to blame the others but never looking to your own mistakes.
For the world wide trouble it began when 45 «tRump» made in «American First» actions and widrawing US from many international groups and letting Russia and China take the lead in international politics.
So keep in looking to the straw in the eye of the other but not the log in your own eye.
Thank God I live in Canada.
BatRedneck & JiEL - I appreciate both of you very much! Thank you for your comments.
ReplyDeleteI am living in Europe on migrant road to western Europe... but western borders are closed and we have NOW in last decade specially horrible experience, real migrant invasion from East and they are all Moslem. Only young's, able to fight for better in their own country but wonted to occupied Europe... by finical help from USA by SOROS specially. and now we have one more invasion to come.
ReplyDeleteChristian south east Europe has more then 600 years all kind of wars, with them. Because it is geographically on the way to western Europe.
It is not problem who decided to leave after 20 years one state it is problem HOW will leave NOW.
That is problem.
Now we have colossal mass by one impotent and senile DRMOCRAT president.
I am using this anonimus form as I have had quite long and very unpleasant ,by email, communication with Sicko and I am sure that he will never publish my comments as he is passionate and blind Democrat. He do not understand world out side America but he is ready do give ultimate advice... as some from Canada for example too.
Yes my English is broken one but I can write in French or in Russian
if you prefer, problem is will you understand. Do you wonted to understand even broken language as you prefer form from message.
Anon@7:45pm - I remember you now. I remember you live in fear and frustration. You love ballet, if I remember correctly. I am very sorry for your situation. As you can see, I have published your comment.
ReplyDeleteAgain you are wrong. I am Ph.D. architect, working in several Europe states...but I am from old Europe`s state, min 800 years old, witch Americans heavily bombarded in 1999 even with nuclear staff against UN security council approval... so real fear from You as militant democrat and your buccaneer State...
ReplyDeleteAnon@9:12am - Ah, yes. The angry architect. Your rants will no longer be welcome or published. Move along like you did before.
ReplyDelete@Anon: I have disrespected you, disregarding a situation of yours which I was not aware of, and for that I apologise.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that you may be pointing your finger to the wrong person, though. As JiEL mentioned, U.S. President Biden merely went through what his predecessor had already set in motion: the evacuation of US forces from Afghanistan.
The fact that your country is now facing an afflux of immigration which obviously causes you trouble may be but the right question to address your political elites and administrations: what have they done so far, and what do they currently intend to do to prevent your nation from feeling invaded at the expense of you people? Including the main question "What do we do for the immigrants who will settle - How do we help them settling?"
Blaming an oversea president may seem to be an easy thing to do, and George Soros as a billionaire figure looks as much too, but you may want to remind your local and elected officials how accounted they are for the many issues you are facing in your actual life.
Again I (nor us here) do not know which country you live in. Being French, and as much as I recall from my several vacations in Hungary, Czech Republic and Croatia, I feel for these countries for indeed they are a gateway to immigrants from middle-east. Just as much as are Italy and Greece. Still I feel really bad for a gentle people such as Hungarians to be ruled by this Orban right winger whose sole politics are but fascist reminiscences. Escaping the nazis, enduring the soviets, only to fall into the arms of a modern populist…. How come?
As privileged as I might sound, I still remember Pecz’s main catholic church(?) in the center of the town: a former mosque with its inner walls still showing arabian suras (or maybe they’ve been paited over since then). Nearby was sitting the Jewish synagogue - which you had to pay for in order to enter and visit, nothing surprising :-) I also remember, in the outskirts of the town, that catholic church from the 1800s with its blue painted inner walls covered in golden stars.
Beyond its history of ceramic industry, that town left me with the knowledge that the local people may have been invaded more times than one can count during its History, still they managed to assimilate the cultures they once had to face, leading the people to become who they now are.
Addendum for Anon: your evocation of 1999's bombing makes me think you are Serbian. A country and people who, along with Croatians, has a long history of suffering from the western politics.
ReplyDeleteBut also a cradle for anarchy and the worst that goes along, if memory serves me well.
Nowadays it's called terrorism.
Definitely not something I would make a flag of.
What's your name again?
BatRedneck - I hope your sincere words reach Anon. I thank you for them.