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Wednesday, June 30, 2021


I'm keeping my fingers AND my toes crossed for this!


JiEL said...

It's almost «amazing» or surprising not to say very desapointing that after ALL this cheeto man did and said that he NEVER faced justice and any punishments.

Fraud with his scam businesses, raping young girls, telling lies and Qanon conspiracy theories to name only few, he NEVER been convicted.

The saddest of all is that all those deplorables who voted for him and did put him in the highest office in USA as president.

He is a real threat to your democracy and is still spreading his big lie.
Again, all those brainless sheeps are also believing in the lie too.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - You are absolutely correct on each point!

Jimbo said...

I'm not a big believer in revenge. I try to act with forgiveness and an open heart in all matters...

But that big, orange son-of-a-bitch needs to pay for all the mayhem he's caused.

Luv chocolate said...

I hope Trump and his family all end up there and all his crooked cronies!!!

uptonking said...

You and I, bud. He's a crook. But it looks like, while the org will be charged, the orange ogre himself will not be. Sad. I won't be happy until he's in ALL Orange... if they make those jump suits that large...

SickoRicko said...

Jimbo - I'm glad you're flexible.

JiEL said...

Can you imbgine an «ordinary» man killing 15 people in a riot (January 6) and while in charge of a comapany did nothing to prevent a city of 600 000 people of dying and never was charged of his crimes?

Well seems that the weezel in chief will never face justice because he is hiding behind his lawyers and men in charge of his buisinesses.

This will not make USA's justice system look good from outside of your country.

whkattk said...

The indictments were handed down - - but as an individual the Cheeto is not named. Yet.

SickoRicko said...

Rad & whkattk - I'm still keeping my fingers AND toes crossed.

JiEL said...


Be confident in the «No American Justice» to never sue the wealthy cheeto man as he has his brainless followers to support him in all his lies.

Justice in USA seems to be a one way system against any people of color and poor Americans too. When you're white and wealthy the justice system is very elastic.

Try to pass a fake $20 and when you're a black man and after you end to be killed by a «nice white» police officer.

But killing over 600 000 Americans because you didn't care about their health and you can still live in a huge manor without any trouble.
Not forgetting that the same «cheeto» had hurged a mob to go in the Capitol and this riot ended with 15 dead people.
No, he didn't do it... Come on Mr. McCarthy and other brainless and hearthless Retrumplicons.