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Wednesday, February 19, 2020


What is the 'boogaloo?' How online calls for a violent uprising are hitting the mainstream

Brandy Zadrozny - Feb. 19, 2020

An anti-government movement that advocates for a violent uprising targeting liberal political opponents and law enforcement has moved from the fringes of the internet into the mainstream in recent months and surged on social media, according to a group of researchers that tracks hate groups.

Click on headline to read the entire chilling article.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Terrorism is terrorism is terrorism.
When Antifa does not register as Anti-Fascism, we are doomed.


Rad said...

I have a pit in my stomach every time I see coverage of this human garbage. I fear every day will be a replay of Bobby Kennedy; whom ever makes it to oppose that fuck-wad shit for brains will be taken out by one of these scum.

THAT dread, sir, keeps me up at night - that we are going to get to that cusp of flushing this orange turd out of office and it will be taken from our reach by some home-brewed hate group fueled by his rhetoric.

whkattk said...

It gets more and more frightening with each passing day. How long before bombing is a daily occurence in the US? And will the current administration do anything about it but lip service?

SickoRicko said...

Sixpence, Rad, whkattk - We are living in frightening times.