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Sunday, June 21, 2015


Trump: Pope’s Call to Save Planet Masks Even More Reckless Call to Feed Poor

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – The Presidential candidate Donald Trump blasted Pope Francis on Friday, arguing that the Pontiff’s recent call to save the planet had largely overshadowed his “far more reckless” call to feed the poor.

“Look, if the Pope wants to spout off about climate change, that’s his prerogative, I guess,” Trump said. “But when he starts talking about feeding the poor, that is totally dangerous and irresponsible.”

“Every other candidate is ripping the Pope’s comments about climate change,” he added. “I’m the only one in this race who seems to have noticed his truly crazy talk about feeding people.”

Trump said that, as President, it would be his job not to feed the poor “but to keep them from getting into the country in the first place.”

“We need to build a wall they’re too hungry to climb,” he said.

The reality-show host argued that the Pope should stay out of politics, saying, “Let’s face it, the guy is not rich.”

“I’ve been to the Vatican,” he said. “It’s a nice enough place. But would you rather live there, or in a penthouse in Trump Tower? Not even close, my friend.”

Article stolen from HERE.


  1. Would you want him for president?

  2. Ringling Brothers is in town... shambling elephants, a big top and clowns!

    Can't keep the poor out... they were imported by the 1% to begin with either as slaves or indentured servants.

    The fact that his "Clownship" is from NYC is embarrassing to me.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.