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Friday, June 03, 2011


This is a very well-written and sobering article. A link to its entirety is at the end.

For Sale: The Desperate States of America
by Rania Khalek

While we have been frantically playing defense against relentless assaults on multiple fronts, from anti-union legislation to draconian anti-choice laws to the attempted privatization of Medicare, the selling off of public assets to the private sector has received little attention.

As states face a budget shortfall of $125 billion dollars for fiscal year 2012, leaders are searching for creative ways to fill budget gaps, while refusing to consider the one legitimate solution: forcing tax-dodging corporations and the rich to pay their fair share in taxes. Rather than upset the moneyed interests who bought their seats in office, politicians of all stripes prefer to cut pensions, close schools, slash child nutrition programs, and most importantly privatize, privatize, privatize!



Mike, Studio City said...

Here is a good example.. Years ago Babs Streisand donated a huge area of land in the hills above Malibu to the stae of California. This was to preserve the land and keep it wild and of the hands of developers. Now our new governer, Mr. Brown, wantsto sell of areas of California parkland to balance te budget. Bab's donated land is on the list. People here are having a fit and you know how celeb money funds political campains. Our Democrat gov. is fucking with the wrong people. We recalled our Democrat gov. nine years ago and we can do it again.

karl said...

Alternately the Government could raise income tax by just one per cent to bring it into line with inflation, whilst putting a tax embargo on exported goods and taxing childcare benefits to middle-class income families, using that tax in turn to fund welfare payments to those less unfortunate and using the money that wouldve been spent there on reducing the fiscal growth. Just a two per cent hike would allow the likes of Medicare to provide a 'free' service [to an extent] and the private subsidies would be channelled back into building up companies [i.e. creating more jobs].

There. Problem solved.

RAYMOND said...

After I read this sobering document I posted it on Facebook. Our nation is disentegrating right before our eyes and the GOP scum who blatantly and selfishly conspire to bring this about are getting away with it. The fraudulent "election" of Bush vs Gore was the tipping point.


SickoRicko said...

Mike - Power to the people!

Karl - Now, if they'd only listen!

Ray - It's been downhill from there.

Anonymous said...

To me it just shows how pathetic it is that a lot of the voters in America just can't see how the repuglicans care nothing about America, nor anything else, except for making the rich happy.

SickoRicko said...

Greg - So sadly true.