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Monday, March 04, 2024


Artist George Quaintance


Xersex said...

great graphic art

Mistress Maddie said...

LOVE!!!!! And the matador one has given me fantasies of a matador gangbang now. That would be hot to see!!!

Anonymous said...

George Quaintance (1902-1957) worked out of his art studio in his home, Rancho Siesta in Phoenix (a tract house he purchased in 1952). To earn a living, he created both paintings and decorative sculptures.
By 1956 Quaintance was so successful that it began to affect his health in a bad way. The combination of being a total workaholic, poor sleeping habits and the stress of running a demanding business led to a fatal heart attack in 1957. After Quaintance died, several of his models broke into to retrieve albums of explicit photos that Quaintance kept in the basement of Rancho Siesta in an effort to protect his and their reputations. Apparently Quaintance had hosted several wild parties at his casita during which photos were taken of some of his guests and models performing sex acts. -Rj

Cdadbr said...

I always like Geroge's artwork in magazines. So beautiful, so accurate, and detailed. Always a jot to see them and the stories they told. RIP, George, and thanks!

SickoRicko said...

Rj - Your knowledge is vast!

Anonymous said...

Great work! Master!