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Saturday, December 11, 2021



JiEL said...

Continu to give guns as Christmas presents to your teenagers and take pictures of your «deplorable» families baring guns and weapons to show you're REAL AMERICANS...

For the first post, we here in Canada seems to be in bad position with our 32 mass shootings since 1989... In regard we have ten times less population our guns laws and type of politics shows that gun controls are working.

Our main issue is that illegal guns are coming from USA crossing border by the native's reserves. They don't mind for borders according with their ancestral land rights.

A constant issue here in Montreal as they are also selling illegal cigarets and are managing illegal playing casinos too.

Rad said...

JiEL, Canada is looking better and better to me.

I have to admit that I have been somewhat miserable the past several months. Depressed. Angry. Focusing on the negative. Home renovations that are seemingly stalled (“You are out MOST IMPORTANT CLIENT!!!” followed by days of inactivity). Local and national news of endless stories of people behaving badly to one and other. Trump living free. Covid stupidity stories. Being stuck behind more and more vehicles with “Trump 2024” and "Let's go, Brandon!" stickers blazoned across the bumpers. How I just feel surrounded by assholes or nice people who look or behave like assholes (let’s face it, “Go you! Just be you!” really does not scale. How about let’s try publicly acting like a responsible adult, okay?). It's not that I am AFRAID to leave my home, I just DON'T WANT TO.

Thank the maker for Vodka.

We moved out of Floriduh in 2002. Back then, even the most liberal communities were racist and ignorant. My (now) husband is black, and he was just incessantly put down everywhere we went (that was not in a "black" community). It was just a total breath of fresh air to move to Rhode Island. Well... 19 years later and that cancer that was the Florida ignorance has metastasized here. I have never encountered so many racist, inconsiderate and ignorant people in my life! And STUPID!!! WTF?

So JiEL - Canada is looking good. Been to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick several time - gorgeous country! I do fear, however, that you are just one bad election away from the human cesspool that is America. At least you folks don't have an endless election cycle, and (to my understanding) there are campaign finance restrictions in place.

Anyhow... sorry for venting... I do love this blog...


JiEL said...

Sincew 1969 we had «only» 12 mass shooting all over Canada.

See here...

SickoRicko said...

Rad - Vent all you want! I can really relate to so many of the things you mentioned. Personally, I would not move to Canada because I really, really dislike cold temperatures.

JiEL said...


When I see all what is so badly going on in USA, I'm very sad that is such a wealthy and «democratic» country the racial issues aren't gone away since the 1860's civil war and more after Obama was in office.

We have in Canada some racials issues but no way as bad as in USA.
Our Canadian Charter of Rights and Liberties is providing protection to any Canadian citizens against race, sex and religion issues.

Yes we aren't always on election time. We have national and provincial elections that are every 4 years but never on the same time. On September we just had a national election that reinstalled Trudeau as our Prime Minister.

In 2022 we will have our provincial election in Province of Quebec.

What is very difference with you is that we have multiple parties and not essentially related to the diverse level of governements.

On city elections, there too, no municipal parties are related to any national or provincial parties like you in USA where your bi-parti system is on ALL you levels of governements which makes it easy to be polarized.


Yes we have some cold weather but our very warm hearts can heat you up no matter what. Here in Montreal, the winter times aren't that bad and our sprig, summer and automn times are very nice and quite hot in summer.

uptonking said...

Those stats... wow. Covid really has brought out the best in us, huh?