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Tuesday, April 13, 2021



whkattk said...

If Schumer doesn't take Manchin and Sinema out to the woodshed for a talk, there won't be any further bills passed. Those two are so afraid of looking too liberal and not getting reelected. How do you talk sense into them when they won't believe that even their republican constituents are in favor of these bills?

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - I like the woodshed idea.

uptonking said...

YES. It IS time. Long overdue. So... come on... JUST DO IT. Biden could do it with an executive order? F the rich. Eat 'em. They won't even notice... THAT'S HOW RICH THEY ARE!

Luv chocolate said...

I like what Robert Reich posts! CEOs should never be paid that much!!

BatRedneck said...

To Mr Robert Reich in the first one:
My two cents as a chap who's been a manager long enough at a big U.S. Company here in Europe: CEO stands for Chief Embezzler Over.

After all, it is so easy to:
- have the profitable job done by employees you pay at the lower rate the country allows you to,
- yell at them whenever they do not meet the quite foolish targets you did set them with,
- get the big money of an absurd salary your own peers voted for, and - very important - huge incentives over your employees' hard work,
- still be shameless of having your bills taken care of through expense reports (cars, hotels & restaurants of course, as well as golf subscriptions, work trips to fancy locations, including easy-going girls in North-Africa for all I know, to name a few...


SickoRicko said...

uptonking - Yeah, I dislike it when Dems try to be "bipartisan" with repugs because the CONs always lie and cheat.

Luv chocolate - I totally agree!

BatRedneck - Gee, I hope you weren't one of those kinds of men. I know you weren't.