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Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Cry Baby Der Füher is so unhappy with this portrait in the Colorado State Capitol Building, that he whined about it. Let's hope the image doesn't get re-posted everywhere...


  1. Of course he blamed Dem governor Polis for the portrait, when it was actually Republican supporters who raised the money for it.

  2. A question or two...Where is the homefront? Aren't we at war now and shouldn't those of us on the homefront be supporting the war effort? We have things to do: conserving resources and recycling responsibly, spending less on material goods and growing a victory garden, knitting socks and sending baked goods to our brave men and women in the Armed Forces, buying war bonds. We will surely win this war if we all stay united and determined, as we did in World War II. We do know what happened in WWII, don't we?
    What did you say? We're not at war? Sure feels like we are. An enemy is diligently destroying our way of life and trying desperately to undermine our democracy and our rule of law. What am I missing here?
    So, now you're telling me this is a different kind of war, that there are no soldiers to defend us, just a bunch of feckless representatives and senators who have sold their souls to lobbyists and a maniacal felon to do their bidding. We are experiencing a war from within, the worst kind of war...a Civil War, a war of right against wrong, common sense over blatant ignorance, empathy versus hatefulness.
    What can I do when our homefront is deeply divided in its thinking and rhetoric and the enemy lives next door, or worse, is a family member I thought I knew? Okay, I'll stay alert and informed but not let the biased media overwhelm me. I'll be civil but challenge the things I hear that I know are false and know my voice has relevance and power. I'll not be silenced. I'll support peaceful protests in my community knowing strength in numbers speaks volumes. And above all, do everything I can to rid this insidious scourge that calls itself DONALD J. TRUMP and MAGA from this country I know can do better than these inept and unqualified enemies from within.

    War is war and it's time to put away the old civil protocols of war and join the battle, start playing by the new rules being used by the opposition and win this fight for our rights and very existence.

  3. His writings always remind me of something an immature, privileged, cry-baby brat would scrawl. And it's our president.

  4. AND his comments also imply that HE is a victim of somebody else's actions! Poor baby! YET he never does even consider that HE is the reason for his alleged torments by others.

    I never really have liked people who always play the victim! When they should take the feedback from others and use that to act better themselves.

    That "distorted" picture looks fine, just displays NO emotion in it. Nothing wrong with that. Better than his scowling mugshot HE put up in the Oval Office!

  5. He's the biggest crybaby to ever hit the airwaves.

  6. Looks like a blond Eric Swalwell or a disgraced televangelist Jimmy Swaggart

  7. Such a vain, petty manchild.

  8. I think Dorian Gray probably had a more appealing portrait in his attic? Hugs from Bob in 🇬🇧

  9. It was better then I thought it would look like. But why we need to see a dick on the wall is beyond me....unless it is well hung of course.

  10. Of COURSE it IS distorted! Makes him look like any other milquetoast, hen-pecked male.

    OH!! The artist got the hair wrong!! Should be fluffed up with a forward free-standing part above his forehead! BUT the artist DID put his hanging jowels in the shadow!

    Perhaps an ultimate situation is that it was painted in disappearing paint?


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.