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Monday, March 24, 2025


The size of the whale's anus is outrageously exaggerated. But it piqued my curiosity so I did a little research...

When memes fail anatomy: The scale of a blue whale’s butthole


  1. Whale anus's. After scanning the news, about the most pleasant article I have read this morning.

  2. Let's see if I have this right---After all the lying and dirty dealing of his 1st term wasn't enough evidence for them to impeach him, not once but twice---After the disgraceful display of deadly "Patriotism" by the mob on January 6th, they just couldn't bring themselves to charge him with Sedition under Article 142 of the Constitution---Now, after 2 months of his 2nd term, he has fully demonstrated his collusion with a foreign enemy/enemies, has ordered the total dismantling of our form of government, has allowed an unelected, power-hungry capitalist to gut every department within said government for his own gain, and still sit there on their hands, doing nothing to stop these deranged madmen. Please help me understand. Doesn't any of this look like, I don't know, somewhat illegal? Don't any of them smell the stench rising from the shit that's occurring in Washington DC? When a cancer is detected, isn't it best to remove it quickly and be aware of its return?

    Attention: State Representatives and Senators, time is running out. Soon he'll have no need for any of you and will order your removal at any cost. Gentlemen: Grow a pair or find your own before they shrivel and atrophy. Ladies: Have your female bits stopped producing estrogen and you have no strength left? We can't count on any help from the Supreme Court and the military brass won't come to our rescue. It's up to you, you can either stand up to a bully and be on the right side of history or you can ignore the beast and know there will be no ongoing history of this once proud experiment in democracy, a country now tarnished and belittled in the eyes of all free nations on our planet. Choose our destiny and hope to hell it's the right choice.
    ill order

    1. Milleson - Yeah, I've been wondering "Where are the good guys?" during this.

  3. It may be inaccurate, but it's funny. Regardless, there are no bigger assholes in this country than The Felon, President Muskrat, and their minions.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.