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Monday, February 10, 2025


Click on headline to read the article...

Trans Lawmaker Sarah McBride Drops Brutal Trump Assessment After GOP Rep's Misgendering

Rep. Sarah McBride (D-Del.), the first openly trans person elected to Congress, let her brutal criticism of President Donald Trump’s administration do the talking on Thursday after Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) misgendered her on the House floor.

Miller, a Trump ally who has backed anti-trans policies including the president’s wave of executive orders, presided over the House where she referred to the freshman lawmaker as “the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. McBride.”

Instead of immediately replying to the swipe ahead of what marked her first-ever speech on the House floor, McBride went after the president instead.

Just as not ALL Republicans are ass-kissing snakes-in-the-grass.

Let's remember that not ALL transgender women want to rape cis women.

Let's remember that not ALL transgender women want to brainwash children.


  1. Somewhere in the back of my mind I hear Michelle telling us, "When they go low, we go high." I wonder if she still believes in that policy? In any case, Rep. Sarah McBride, take your victory lap and know that you're more of a woman than that cunt Mary Miller will ever be. But keep in mind, vicious and nasty people will fight dirty until they are eliminated from their representative job. You've just entered the war and you will have to get your hands dirty along the way. Good luck to you and Delaware has a winner working for them and our country.

  2. Fascism 101: scapegoat those most vulnerable in society. For Hitler it was the Jews, for the republi-fascists and their orange Fuhrer the trans community seems to fit the bill.... Nov 5th was our chance to kill fascism in its tracks in America.... we failed.

  3. Just plain rudeness and ignorance at its best. And another one of the worst ones against trans rights is Nancy Mace of South Carolina. She is just out of control and was hugely recently 'Thanked" for her stand against trans folks. Fuck them all! Ignorant bastards. Are they seriously losing sleeping over trans people lives? If someone decides to change their sex, is it their business? No. Stay in your own lane. I have a friend who transitioned years ago, the whole thing. They would have no idea that she used to be a man, she is that beautiful to the point where she has been on well-known ABC shows. Hell, half the gop would probably fuck her. But she wouldn't touch them to scratch them.

    1. Maddie, what astounds me is that these nincompoops who refuse to educate themselves on topics such as transsexuality is that they stubbornly think this is something done as a lark, a whim that has no basis in their narrow world. What they consider as abnormal is a psychological disorder called gender dysphoria, or a need to make your internal sexual identity match your physical appearance. What they consider an optional lifestyle is in fact a battle with oneself to correct a real problem, to the point that medical help and surgery is a necessity. They will never convince me that having breasts removed or ones' dick and balls lopped off is done for the fun of it. Such a bunch of ignorant, judgmental, self-righteous hypocrites!!!

  4. Thank you, Rick..!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.