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Tuesday, February 04, 2025


Click on headline to read the article...

The stunning success of vaccines in America, in one chart

America, before and after vaccines.


  1. HuntleyBiGuy:
    It will be interesting to revisit this in a couple years.

  2. As the enemy(formerly called the republican party) rubberstamps all the enemy leader's unqualified appointees, rfk jr. will no doubt have an impact on some of these numbers, with his well-publicized distrust and aversion to vaccines. And it's okay with me, up to a point, because I believe in the right to choose and all the right people will be contracting these diseases. However, they will also be spreading those diseases to others and that will increase insurance rates for all of us. The stupidity of some people is overwhelming in scope.

  3. The vote today will be very interesting. And telling; we'll see just how cowardly the senators are.

  4. Measles, mumps, rubella and smallpox are childhood illnesses that can have adverse effects on adults from deafness and blindness to death. Polio, if allowed to make a comeback, will cripple thousands as well as kill. You think the thought of living in an iron lung would make the Repugs think twice, but no !
    This is not the Repub party of Eisenhower, it is the repulsive party of Trump. The sad thing is RFK Jr will get the job, and thousands will be crippled or die, and he and Trump will be gone when the real damage of their health policies comes to roost. And their alcolytes will defend their policies, deny the consequences and blame others for the terrible outcomes.

  5. Pire encore, ils répandront des informations erronées sur les vaccins dans le monde entier et tueront des millions de personnes.
    Comme RFK Jr l'a fait aux Samoa.
    -Beau Mec

  6. I'm all for accepting isolationism - if you voted for that shit stain, stay the fuck off my property!

    Damn... there I go again, speaking my mind.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.