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Friday, January 10, 2025


Sugamo Shinkin Bank Branches, Japan


  1. Oooo, that last one is a bit odd.....

  2. I love color---The first three are great---Pops of color---The last one is cool but I think folks would be running into the poles with their cell phones in their hands---Japan does a LOT of things right---Lately I have been seeing a lot of suggested posts on Instagram of how clean the cities are----Even the garbage trucks----I can't see Americans wiping down/cleaning garbage trucks each morning before they hit the road---

  3. Very cool. My sister and brother in-law recently spent two weeks in Japan. They were amazed at how clean it was and how polite people were. Mass transit worked because everybody behaved.

  4. The first two look like they would make great apartments, the next one a great retail building and they all have curb appeal. The last building, its decorative posts would be a hazard. -Rj


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.