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In 1970 on a mural of our new theater in Québec city, the artist ingraved in the concrete material the sentence of one of our most famous poet Gaston Miron, this which was back then very contreversial. "Vous n'êtes pas tannés de mourir bande de cave." In Englis: "Aren't you tired to die bunch of idiots..." Each time I see and hear of all those USA's mass shootings and sadly in shcools, this sentence is constantly coming back in my mind.
USA is the only democratic country to still cannot ban all those riffles than could only be used in the army.
More non sense is your so a Christian based country where so many are «pro life» but cannot extend it to the life of your children who are in constant danger just going to school.
"Why would you give a 14 yr old an AR-15 for his birthday?" Because, in the "culture" they are in, that is a sign the boy is growing into a man. Men need to respect guns! So in their culture, it's not that different than the boy getting a drivers license! Puberty does NOT denote maturity, though! Many people forget that parents can be tried for the same crimes their minor children commit!
I live in Winder, about ten minutes from Apalachee HIgh School (and less than three from Barrow-Winder High School). I cannot express the shock and dismay that the community is going through that we have now joined an "elite" club where tragic school shootings take place. People of all ages, incomes and sexual identity here - with children or not - are devastated that this incident has happened.
I do however, disagree with Cdadbr's assessment that this is a "cultural" thing; many children around grow up and do not have anything to do with guns, hunting or "being a man;" despite this being a small GA town, we are part of the ATL metroplex (okay, extreme edge!) and don't reach for guns every time someone leaves their trashcans out.
No - this was stupidity - plain and simple. Stupidity of the parent(s) who happily handed over an extreme rifle to a 14 year old, extreme stupidity of the lawmakers who refuse to pass "Red Flag" laws here in the state of GA and finally, stupidity of lawmakers and courts in the US who insist that the founding fathers meant that it was okay to keep personal weapons of "mass destruction" in their homes with no requirements of certifications, checks, safety training or personal responsibility.
Col's father *should* go to jail - for a long, long time - and burn in a metaphorical hell for even longer after that. However, painting an entire swath of people with a stereotypical brush of "culture" is as wrong as what gay people suffer with daily from the far right.
Wow! Some good arguments here. JiEl's to start with. Aren't we tired of dying for a bunch of idiots, to RBrysco's. I think the biggest problem is indeed cultural. Embedded fear of government, easy access to guns (especially automatic ones), and male fragility. Go figure. Each time this happens people are like, "How tragic, thoughts and prayers." America is becoming a parody of itself.
theoretically speaking....can the community where such a crime took place sue the politician whose inaction (restricting the availability of weapons) led to such a tragic incident?I think that they are also in that chain of responsibility towards people and victims....
as Kamala told Trump that the whole world laughs, the same thing happens to all Americans. You do some completely illogical things that have nothing to do with common sense and all in the name of some freedoms. Some freedoms are not for everyone because they threaten other people's freedom, primarily that they won't be killed. Health care, minimal, is a right that every man should have, the right to work... My godfather is a refugee from Bosnia and lives in Iowa, and he can't be surprised at how limited and stupid Americans are. I'm not generalizing. What what they don't teach you in school is critical thinking and that you don't accept things as they are presented to you. Fortunately here on the forum the majority are reasonable, tolerant....
In 1970 on a mural of our new theater in Québec city, the artist ingraved in the concrete material the sentence of one of our most famous poet Gaston Miron, this which was back then very contreversial.
ReplyDelete"Vous n'êtes pas tannés de mourir bande de cave."
In Englis: "Aren't you tired to die bunch of idiots..."
Each time I see and hear of all those USA's mass shootings and sadly in shcools, this sentence is constantly coming back in my mind.
USA is the only democratic country to still cannot ban all those riffles than could only be used in the army.
More non sense is your so a Christian based country where so many are «pro life» but cannot extend it to the life of your children who are in constant danger just going to school.
In November it will be ballots versus bullets.
ReplyDeleteVote true, vote blue ! -Rj
"Why would you give a 14 yr old an AR-15 for his birthday?" Because, in the "culture" they are in, that is a sign the boy is growing into a man. Men need to respect guns! So in their culture, it's not that different than the boy getting a drivers license! Puberty does NOT denote maturity, though! Many people forget that parents can be tried for the same crimes their minor children commit!
ReplyDeleteI live in Winder, about ten minutes from Apalachee HIgh School (and less than three from Barrow-Winder High School). I cannot express the shock and dismay that the community is going through that we have now joined an "elite" club where tragic school shootings take place. People of all ages, incomes and sexual identity here - with children or not - are devastated that this incident has happened.
ReplyDeleteI do however, disagree with Cdadbr's assessment that this is a "cultural" thing; many children around grow up and do not have anything to do with guns, hunting or "being a man;" despite this being a small GA town, we are part of the ATL metroplex (okay, extreme edge!) and don't reach for guns every time someone leaves their trashcans out.
No - this was stupidity - plain and simple. Stupidity of the parent(s) who happily handed over an extreme rifle to a 14 year old, extreme stupidity of the lawmakers who refuse to pass "Red Flag" laws here in the state of GA and finally, stupidity of lawmakers and courts in the US who insist that the founding fathers meant that it was okay to keep personal weapons of "mass destruction" in their homes with no requirements of certifications, checks, safety training or personal responsibility.
Col's father *should* go to jail - for a long, long time - and burn in a metaphorical hell for even longer after that. However, painting an entire swath of people with a stereotypical brush of "culture" is as wrong as what gay people suffer with daily from the far right.
RBrysco - Very good point.
DeleteWow! Some good arguments here. JiEl's to start with. Aren't we tired of dying for a bunch of idiots, to RBrysco's. I think the biggest problem is indeed cultural.
ReplyDeleteEmbedded fear of government, easy access to guns (especially automatic ones), and male fragility. Go figure. Each time this happens people are like, "How tragic, thoughts and prayers." America is becoming a parody of itself.
theoretically speaking....can the community where such a crime took place sue the politician whose inaction (restricting the availability of weapons) led to such a tragic incident?I think that they are also in that chain of responsibility towards people and victims....
ReplyDeletegoran - That's a very good question.
Deleteas Kamala told Trump that the whole world laughs, the same thing happens to all Americans. You do some completely illogical things that have nothing to do with common sense and all in the name of some freedoms. Some freedoms are not for everyone because they threaten other people's freedom, primarily that they won't be killed. Health care, minimal, is a right that every man should have, the right to work... My godfather is a refugee from Bosnia and lives in Iowa, and he can't be surprised at how limited and stupid Americans are. I'm not generalizing. What what they don't teach you in school is critical thinking and that you don't accept things as they are presented to you. Fortunately here on the forum the majority are reasonable, tolerant....
ReplyDeletegoran - Thanks for sharing that.