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Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Someday he'll long be gone
That man I loathe

And he'll be fat and orange
That man I loathe

And when that day is here
We'll all stand up
and cheer!


Milleson said...

I'd like to think that somewhere in the vast unknown, that George Gershwin is laughing his ass off and saying, "Damn straight! You have my permission to change the lyrics to my song against this bloated excuse for a human being, whom everyone should loathe."

whkattk said...

Well done, Rick! Well done!!

JiEL said...

There is no justice ( not to say it about the USA's court system ) in the world for this fat surely unhealhy fast food fed orange felon who still can stand up all over the country spreading his lies and conspiracy theories without any signs of stroke or cancer etc..
Even COVID didn't have any effects on this full of shit body.

Sad to say and I wouldn't say it for a real human being, but on June 27 it's too bad this young unexperienced shooter missed him. I might go to hell by saying it but I surely not be the only one..
No justice in the world where all over the world honnest and good people are dying by guns or horrible sicknesses or simply by unger.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - I'm glad you liked that.

Ed Schlee said...

Just 2 inches farther to the Left and frump would be gone!!

Anonymous said...

Trump is stuck in the jail of his narcissistic paranoia as are his followers.

JiEL said...

YOP! That is what happens when Iran hired a lousy shooter with no skills and bad location. I've always asked myself why the Secret Service snipers did kill him so quickly??? Maybe they wanted to silence him so he couldn't say anything about who is really behing his motives or actions.